Author Topic: AHII Failure to start  (Read 242 times)

Offline JB35

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AHII Failure to start
« on: August 12, 2004, 04:02:26 AM »
I had a small problem with the AHII Film Viewer upon startup CTD , then it started working no problems .

Now AHII when I start it up it CTD's , I get the clip board , and select either Online or Offline the same thing  CTD .

 I have never had this problem before , only thing I did was delete films in the films folder that I no longer wished to keep .

Rebooted PC , still same thing  CTD on startup , Restored Deleted Films " Thinking that I might Have removed something if anything important "  Start up  CTD .

Rebooted PC again , start up AHII  , waits a few seconds then CTD.

Last thing I might try is Uninstall and Reinstall , but before I uninstall and reinstall , Im thinking What if this happens again , will I have to Uninstall and Reinstall  all over ?

 I really dont want to have to do this over and over .

Anyone else have this sort of Problem and has an Ideal on how to fix it ?

I turned off Norton auto Protection , thinking that the latest Virus Definitions may have had something to do with it , but still  CTD on Startup.

The Only thing that I have upgraded or changed as for my Computer is updates on  Norton System Works Virus Definitions.

Win XP Home Edition SP1 latest Critical Updates installed
DX 9
Nvidia 440  64 Mg with  56.72 Drivers
512 DDR
SB Live 16 mg
Norton System Works 2003 latest updates as of 8/12/04
Zone Alarm Firewall installed for 3 yrs now no problems
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 04:08:19 AM by JB35 »

Offline Schutt

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AHII Failure to start
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 04:50:32 AM »
Did you try to delete the cache folder of ah2? i would try that first before uninstalling.

Also run a diskcheck on system disk and the disk ah2 is on, maybe you have a bad file?

Tried to move the settings folder to another place so it starts up with defaults? Not sure if that is possible, but maybe you changed settings?

ciao schutt

Offline JB35

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AHII Failure to start
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 05:27:22 AM »
Deleting contents of the Cache folder did the trick , why would one have to do such a thing ?

Is thier a Problem with the Cache folder becoming corrupted and theirfor not allowing AHII to Run accordingly ?

And is it and should it become good pratice to Delete the contents of the Cache Folder regularly ?

Thank you Schutt  :aok