Author Topic: Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.  (Read 378 times)

Offline Ack-Ack

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Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.
« on: August 25, 2004, 03:04:24 AM »
Since you look this stuff up, I thought you might enjoy this little project.

I remember you posting the stats showing how the majority of the top ranked fighter pilots flew the Big 4.  So your job is to see if the new ENY balance system has changed this for this tour and we see a decline in the numbers flying the Big 4 and see an increase of the 'lesser' planes.

Your project must be on my desk by 08/31.

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Offline Urchin

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Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 09:27:08 AM »
It wouldn't really be that tough to check out actually.  

As far as overall usage, numbers are down since it is still the summer.  My off the cuff interpretation is it looks like the Big 4 use dropped by 1-2% for each plane.  The Spit V is taking up much of the slack, as is the 190d9 and 109g10.  I suspect the Spit V is the plane of choice when the Spit IX and Niki are disabled, and the D-9 is the plane of choice for when the La7 gets disabled.

Offline Xargos

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Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2004, 09:50:11 AM »
I think alot of people are still getting use to AH2 since the F/M changed.  Just because you used a certain plane in AH1 does not mean you are using it in AH2.  I feel many people are still looking for their ride.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline Howitzer

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Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2004, 04:19:02 PM »
What are the "Big 4"?  La7, N1k, Spit9, P-51D?

Offline Flyboy

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Hey beet1e! Have a little after school project for you.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2004, 05:31:59 PM »
i think the big 4 are the lion, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard
