Queried HiTech on line regaring current ack accuracy.. and was told that it's fine as it is.. that JABO is 'possible' but 'very difficult'
He indicated to Pongo last night on line that buff ranges and accuracy are fine.. and that he can't remember the last time he was killed by a buff..
I guess it is possible; I admit, I do not know how to do JABO succesfuly against an ack. Possibly someone can tell me.. mayhaps even demonstrate it. (film!) Certainly, I am NOT the most skilled player in the game.. and need to learn some new tricks in gettin ORDS on target. A new challenge..
As for buffs.. well; I'll avoid the damn things unless assisted by one or two others.
The gunner can't be on both sides at once...
"Aces High is designed to be very representative of air combat through the use of real world tactics."
As it is; I guess I can live with it. Close enuff; anyway.
Don't mind me; I'm just having a little trouble with mastering the tactics part, at present.