Author Topic: An argument  (Read 268 times)

Offline Lephturn

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An argument
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2000, 12:27:00 PM »
Phantom, I don't no what a "tie" is supposed to mean.  You either get shot up and die, or you don't.  First one to die loses, it's that simple.  Trick is you must be alive to get the kill, so if you are dead or have exited the plane, even though both of you got shot down, only the other guy will get credit.  There is no "tie".

Also, a note about HO's.  The fact that you actually go for them is the reason you "lose".  The best way to win in a HO situation is to avoid it and use the other guy's attempt at a HO to gain angles and E on him and kill him.  Please, please, HO me if you run into me... I love an easy kill.

Btw, I'll be the Rook in the thing that's Big and Blue and Comin' 4 U!  

The Flying Pigs


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An argument
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2000, 12:37:00 PM »
 Phantom. I found that to be true also. And It was  bigtoery number 1

Offline Phantom121

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« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2000, 12:48:00 PM »
I don't "go" for HO's, I would perfer to avoid but that is not always possible. Only end up in a HO about 1 in 10 fights. Say you just left a dogfight and find yourself low and slow (it happens) only to look up and find someone barreling down on ya.  Any attempt to turn is just going to make matters worse so at least you get a shot at them on the pass.  Also there is a problem with online play that what you see is not what the other guy sees.  You manuever for a close pass to limit turning room and make what looks like a great lead turn.  His nose is not pointed anywhere near you, shots fired "appear" to miss about 1/4 second latter you get "ping,ping,ping" and you are dead.  That makes it hard to judge.  

Offline humble

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« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2000, 03:00:00 PM »
LOL...I've been flying nigits for a month or so since they are always outnumbered. Hope thats not the reason for my inferior gunnery  

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2000, 05:47:00 PM »
Yes it is hard to judge the timing sometimes, but lately I've been rocking at making 'em miss.  Try starting your jinx, barrel, or whatever you do to make them miss, at about d1.2k.  I find this works well.  Also, go below their nose, as this makes it much harder for them to get at you.

As to the low/slow situation, you would have to be VERY low and slow.  Otherwise, just dive for speed, go under his nose, and go for your reversal with as much verticle as you can manage.  The end result many times will be the enemy's big dive for the HO, and your much tighter turn since you are much slower.  A sharp E fighter will kill you anyway, but most pilots aren't that good.  It's a better option than the HO, at least for me.

The Flying Pigs