Participated in my first KoTH last night/this morning... I'd have to say it was a blast! Furthremore, talk about a learning experience... That "God Mode" really lets you see how the elite pilots do what they do (the only bummer is that the films won't work for it... I'd really like to have that as a reference if you feel like adding it in a patch down the road HiTech)... I spent some time in the MA and DA afterwords trying out some of the stuff I saw and definately noticed a difference...
Now, the only question is will I remember any of it tomorrow
Anyway, I emailed you @ HTC, BigMax, sign me up for that mailing list I'll do everything I can to make sure I'm at the next one!
Slightly OT: When the championship KoTH is held in December, will spectators be allowed via god mode? It would really be a shame if they weren't, I'd sit there the whole time just watching the game's top pilots duke it out.