Author Topic: Pyro/HT suggestion for the CTRL I info bar  (Read 469 times)


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Pyro/HT suggestion for the CTRL I info bar
« on: February 03, 2000, 03:29:00 AM »
High guys I wounder if I could make a suggestion for the use of the Info bar that is controled by pessing CTRL I. As we all know CTRL I turns on/off the info at the top of the screen, what i didnt realize was it also turns of the recording info too, HT could you make it toggle off the FPS & View info only on a first press and then the recording info on a second press, then a 3 rd
press restores all the info again. I would like to be able to get rid of the FPS/View Info, but keep the ability to see that I was recording my flight. Or better still just make it so that once you start a recording the recording sign comes up and wont toggle off with CTRL I.

CO RNZAF Warbirds/Aces High