Originally posted by acetnt367th
Is it that difficult to politely make request while maintaining your resolve? This is never the way to solve problems, often the emotion and anger leads to more conflict and very rarely a solution.
In general, most of the guys who post on the BB are quite polite in expressing their opinions. But, sometimes people get pretty frustrated with the game, especially when game features change, usually at no request of their own. And the squeaky wheel gets attention thing starts happening.
During the evolution of Aces, the gameplay has changed in significant ways. If one becomes a paying member after playing a certain version, make buddies online, and invests a considerable amount of time learning that particular version... some people get understandably upset when playability and features change. The trouble is, sometimes there is so much noise on the BB's that the management doesn't have the time to notice some issues and threads. So people can get frustrated and have a meltdown sometimes.
When I reach that point, it's time to shut the computer off. But, that's just me.