Hey all! I started AH this last thursday and love it so far, but have couple of questions about scoring.
Apparently, I have killed a Spit 9 whilst flying the Gooney Bird! How is this possible? I would really like to know.
The other question involves scoring. Is it accurate? I am credited with around six fighters, which seems accurate, but 9 bombers? That seems incorrect to me.
In addition, how does the scoring number work? I have 421 last I checked. Are higher scores better? Lower scores? Is this a good score? Thanks!
Finally, I would like to find out when it would be easiest for me to get some training, because whoah! I keep dying!

"If I told you that there were a squadron of fighters waiting to pounce the moment you fired at me, would you believe me?"
"Er... how about just one then?"
[This message has been edited by ispar (edited 06-12-2000).]