do it yourself it will only cost you about 500.00 +- depending what you use from old system, even if you buy all new stuff it should only cost 650.00 to 700.00 for a pretty bad arse unit. just look for sales and rebates. and dont!! I repete Dont! buy the just out video cards for 300.00 + stuff like that, its not necessary.
I bought a computer from a store twice and spent 2000+ dollars first time 750 dollars the second time way back when windows 95 was the thing to have and a 1.2 gig hard drive was a huge hard drive and people told you you will never fill that hard drive up!
and packerbell was in business. lmao!!! That was the last time i did that. Made my own since then
and got 10 times the pc that you could get from a computer company. new everything never cost more then 750.00+- when parts were high dollar. and the parts are not high dollar any more unless you buy the just out stuff. and ill say it again no need to get that just out crapola.