Author Topic: I NEED YOUR HELP  (Read 614 times)

Mk10 225th

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« on: February 22, 2001, 05:19:00 PM »
Hi guys.

I am going to be interviewing the father of a colleague next week, most likely, who flew B-26's in the ETO.

He is an extremely nice man that I've known for almost 9 years now.

Every now and then, we bump into each other in the hallway, and it's always good for about a 20 minute chat about WWII aviation.

He knows I fly online, and that I have quite and interest in the subject.

He's an extremely intelligent, sincere man, who seems to enjoy talking about what he did, to someone who stands there in the hallway, hanging on to every word he says.

I started to think about the fact that we've all talked about before...that these folks aren't going to be around forever, and once they're not, for the rest of time, we'll have to rely on what historians tell us, vs. the type of "talking history" that writers like Studs Terkel use to help folks understand, in the words of the people who were there, just what they went through.

Well, long-story-short, about 2 weeks ago, after taking a couple shots of courage, I called him up at home, and asked him if he would ever consider getting together sometime, with myself and a tape recorder, and relating some of the things that he has told me over the years, plus a few things we never had a chance to talk about in our 20-minute hallway meetings.

He asked me what I would do with it, and I told him that basically, I would be sharing it with a lot of folks all over the world, through bulletin board systems, typing out our conversations, and sharing it with people who lived and breathed this type of flying in that time period, who were basically, and I don't think I quite said it this way, but that basically were WWII aviation junkies, and would be completely blown away by hearing someone, in their own words, relate what it was like to be there, and have done what he did.

He was I believe the pilot, and did a lot of stuff both pre-D-Day, during, and after, and so far has told me quite a lot of incredible stories.

Again, he is a kind man, and once he knew that I wasn't just sitting there in the hallway to be kind, but was totally engrossed in what he had to say...well...I think he thinks it's kind of cool that folks all over the world in this day and age, would care to read the words he had to say.

So, what I need help with, is guys, just what kind of questions, asked to a B-26 pilot who flew numerous missions, would you like to hear the answers to?

I thought I'd start off with the basics, i.e. where were you trained, in which planes do they train you in, how long did it take, when were you shipped to the ETO, what squadron etc. were you in, how many missions, what they were like, etc., etc., etc.

But I'm sure because I'm a little blown away by the responsibility of doing it in the first place, and my respect for the man, I'm going to be a little self-conscious, and I'm sure I'll "Monday morning Quarterback" syndrome, i.e, what I've done, what I SHOULD have done, and think, "Golly-geeit...why didn't I ask him (fill in blank here.)

So, just knowing you all certainly might have some really good questions I might pose to him during our conversation, which I plan on taping and then transcribing, I'd love to hear what you have to say, and what you think.

I'm going to post this on the BA forum, this forum obviously, Siggi's IL-2 page, the Aces High BB, and even our own squadrons UBB, so please don't be offended if you have to read the same thing four or five times in a row.

I can't be this artistic and prolific and change it all around for four different boards.

But seriously, any truly serious and intelligent inquiries will be seriously considered as questions to ask him, and I really would appreciate any input as to what you think might be good to ask and get a resonse on.

Again, he is a very nice, intelligent, and sincere man, and I think the only reason he has agreed to do it is that he has known me for almost 9 years now, and understands how much this would mean to me, and is probably a little flattered that folks all over the world would hang on almost any word he would have to say.

So gents, with the required aire of sensibility, please forward any questions you think would be of signifigance, and we'll see what I can do with them.

I'm thinking late next week.

Please, instead of just posting, feel free to e-mail me direct at

I'll try and give everyone a "got your e-mail message", to let you know I got your e-mail, but because the damn @home mail servers go down more often than...oh heck, was going to make a really off-color joke there, but this really isn't the time and the place, well, you know what I mean.

Your time, consideration, and thoughtful contributions are sincerely appreciated.

Thanks again for your help,


Offline Ozark

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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2001, 05:50:00 PM »

Hey Mk10,

Did you see what were having at the airport this year?

XO 332nd Flying Mongrels
"Air Force Four-Five, it appears your engine has...oh, disregard...I see you've already ejected."

Offline hblair

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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2001, 09:39:00 PM »
Sounds cool MK. These guys are getting up in the years, good idea what you're doing.


I can't think of a fargin thing for you to ask him!  

Lemme think on it...

Mk10 225th

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« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2001, 02:06:00 AM »
Shoot Ozark, for some reason that link isn't working.  I'll keep trying.


Offline DRILL

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« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2001, 10:56:00 AM »
it worked for me  

 DRILL                     CO 457TH
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline Ozark

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« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
The site has been up and down. I guess Socket Internet has been updating it.