Author Topic: Lock and Crash  (Read 175 times)

Offline Heretik

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Lock and Crash
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:44:08 AM »
this just happened for the 4th time since last night.  I'm flying along, fighting or whatever then *screeech* the screen freezes for 1-3 minutes with the same audio sample playing over and over.  twice the game ended up crashing clear to desktop.  one time the game came back after my plane had crashed. and this last time it came back just in time to display a connection lost message.

I'm running a P4 2.4ghz with 1GB PC2100 DDR, a Gf4 Ti4200, SB Live, and a fresh (as of sunday) install of XP Pro with SP2.

Offline MaddogWx

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Lock and Crash
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 02:16:35 AM »
I had freezes lasting about 5-15 seconds and audio would sometimes loop over and over.  Sometimes but not always got a message that something had encountered an error and must shut down.  Then could not log back into game without rebooting computer.

I am running a Nvidia GeForce 5950 ultra video card. Iam running on board audio on a K8T Neo board.  

THIS FIXED MINE:  Downloaded omega drivers for Nvidea (google search omega drivers) and installed.  5-6 hours on line today and not a single crash!  The last two official Nvidea drivers DO NOT work well in this game IMHO. Prior to this I had a disco/crash about every 45 minutes. I used to be big on downloading all the newest drivers and stuff...but if it's working why bother!?  

Hope this helps!

DawgWx out