Author Topic: AAR (repost from Main cos meant for light reading)  (Read 471 times)

Offline Swoop

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AAR (repost from Main cos meant for light reading)
« on: March 13, 2001, 03:58:00 PM »
I needed 4.8 measely perk points for an Arado. "Right", thinks I, "Lancaster to Bishland here we come".

Took off from A29, it's elevated, and headed due I climb towards the border I check the map and see a hoard of red dots about 50 miles ahead "balls", thinks I. Ok, so I turn NW and attempt to skirt around worries.

Approaching the bish factories, bout 40 miles out, I see a HUGE storm ahead......well I'm at 25k so no worries about p, what about the target. I fly on.

DOT!!!! ahead and above me! "ruh-roh" It comes into dot range, 190! gotta be a dora, "wimper" thinks I.

But wait, what's this? He's flying right by......sure enough this 190 totally ignores me and just keeps heading east until he's out of sight. ;-) So I keep heading west.

Just as I'm wondering if the cloud bank will end I start getting flakked.....through the clouds. "Bugger" thinks I. That means the cloud bank is right over the targets......I'll have to fly on to the radar/fuel depots the other side of HQ......

So I'm just resigning myself to a long flight when I spot two dots on my 6, co-alt. No icon yet, cloud below all around, 100 miles from any friendlies.

THE CLOUD BANK IS COMING TO AN END!!!! I see an installation ahead, just ahead of the cloud's the troop training facility. :-) BIG GRIN, I'm gonna get my Arado!!!!!

Dropped 7 on the grunt training......just as I finished the drop I check 6, TWO 190s!!!! 5.3k and 3.6k. "oh toejam oh toejam oh toejam oh toejam oh toejam"

The first comes ping ping ping CRACK! He's good, he came in spiralling, very hard to hit.....saw some hit flashes but nothing else. He breaks off high left, only about 1k away......but the other is coming in now, no time to shoot at the 1st one. The second is coming in dead 6 "Who's afraid of the big bad Wulf" thinks I. "I am" added I.

But no worries, 1 exchange of fire later and the second 190 is going down. I've lost my forward turret (? damn good shot to get a forward turret from dead 6) but oh well, I hardly ever use that one anyway. No other damage yet.

The 1st 190 is still up there, about 1.2k high right. Top turret......he comes in again, switch to rear turret......he's spiralling in ping ping CRACK! He breaks high.....I'm aiming striaght up from the rear ping ping HIS TAIL FALLS OFF!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!

"Ok, calm down, calm down.....long way to go yet" thinks I, totally elated at shooting down what looked like two Doras.

Dunno why I didnt notice earlier but smoke is now pouring from No3 engine, check damage but nothing listed. (?) weird.

I quickly turn around and head back towards the training facility......3 more away, 4 left. Bugger, major cloud bank ahead......" bugger it" thinks I. I dive down to 15k, *just* below the cloud layer.......4 away on the ack factory. Ok, that's it, time to go home. ;-) since I'm down at medium alt I decide to climb up 1000ft and fly home through the cloud worries.

A quick 6 check and I see a hi dot through the grey out.......dunno how far it is away. So I sit and watch it from the rear turret......AND REALISE IT CAN SEE ME A MILE AWAY COS OF THE DARK GREY SMOKE COMING FROM NO3 ENGINE. Just to drive home the point, No3 engine dies at this point. Spooky.

It's another 190, coming in fast......5.6k, 4.5k, 3.5k, jesus, he's it comes.....cant see the con so I fire just below the icon, I could see tracers coming back but no pings.....he's having just as hard a time hitting me. Then, HIT FLASHES! I've got a bead on him! 700yards back that 190 is getting pinged to hell.....he breaks I see lotsa dark grey and light grey smoke heading down. Cool, I got him.

;-) heh, no worries, 1 engine out, forward turret out, no other damage. 70 miles to get home and I'm almost invisible. Easy.

Bollocks was it.

50 miles from home, outta nowhere, a 109 appears right on my six and starts firing. I tell ya, I was so shocked I dropped my coffee.

"SHIT toejam toejam, where's the rear turret" scream I as I manage to hit every button except the one to get to the rear guns.

ping ping ping CRACK! Now I'm in the rear turret (at last) and the 109 has broken off low right. And get this, at 100 yards below me his icon went out......I musta been *just* above the bottom of the cloud layer.

"Ok, so now what" thinks I, but not for long cos there he is again, 300 yards off my low 5 o'clock and closing. ping ping ping CRACK!

This time I reach the rear turret first button. However, with only 187 rounds left it doesnt take long to empty it at this 109.....dunno if I hit it, was to busy trying to find the key for the top turret. He breaks off again low right and, sure enough, the icon disappears.

So here's the situation. We're in total grey out. I'm firing at this 109 by aiming just below his icon. He's tracking me by the smoke trail and probably firing at me the same way.

Ok, 40 miles to rear turret.....cant aim at this 109 like this.....let's drop below the clouds.

So I do. What a mistake'a to make'a.

I drop below the cloud layer just as matey boy here in the 109 is coming back up for me.....and he see's me dropping and gives chase. Just as I'm heading for the top ping ping CRACK! Bugger. Top turret taken down. So I start manouvering instead......and this 109 comes straight past me. "Crap, wish I still had the forward turret" thinks I.

This continues for a while, the 109 coming in from somewhere high manouvering.....him missing and flying past. Until the 3rd pass that ping ping CRACK CRACK CRACK BANG! "Ooooo toejam" thinks I. Damage now shows oil leaks in the remaining 3 got dark grey smoke coming from all 4 engines and a white line of fuel as well.....christ I mutsa been a sight.

"Swoop copy, you in trouble"

I pause for a sec, unable to believe I might get out of this......"YES, HELP!"

It's Kronos my CO, he's above the cloud layer to ask.

"Ok, I'll be right down"

"YAAAAAY" Thinks I.

Meanwhile this 109 is coming in again......more manouvering, I can see tracers all around hits.....again he overshoots. We're down to 5,000ft now......AND THERE! MY BUDDY COMING THROUGH THE CLOUDS. The 109 hasnt seen him yet, he's manouvering himself to my high 5 o'clock again.......mwaaaaahahahahaha aaaa. Kronos takes a shot, misses but the 109 musta panicked cos he broke off hard......

So for now I forget the 109 and start worrying about my stricken the hell I'm still in the air God only knows.

ping ping ping


damn 109 came back.....Kronos right on his tail.

I break right, the 109 overshoots again.
VICTORY 1 by Kronos of No272 "Whispering Death"


"You ok Swoop?"
"No, not really, I'm about to lose all 4 engines"


"Yup, there they go"

But now I'm only 20 miles from a friendly base, no cons around......the gear still works (phew) but the flaps dont. One real hard landing and a spin later and I'm sat there on the grass with no wings left. Wow.

So I .EF 3 kills, 1 assist and Bish troop training bombed to hell. 10.85 PERK POINTS!!!! YEAH!!!! GOT MY ARADO BACK!!!!

sigh, guess what happened next.

I'm sat on the runway at A29 wondering if I should attempt to take off without RATO so I can save them for later (Ar234 will do 550mph with RATO), but I decide no, better to take off I'm belting down the runway on full power, RATOs engaged....the nose lifts.....the runway runs out.....I pull up slowly.....the rear lifts....I immediately lift gear to reduce drag.....AAAAAAARGH......I'm dropping....PULL UP, PULL UP.......nope. BOOM!.

A few minutes later, when I stopped sobbing, I decided to go fly it in the TA to console myself.

S! 190s
S! 109
S! Kronos (damn good timing).