thats not me..thats Bart
and yes brah..hang loose
St Anthonys is supposed to be able to fit Sand Mtn in one of its dune....Bart say sits can be going 100 mph carving a 1000 foot face..
wow....I have never been so tense in a vehicle..
Flying Solo wasnt as much tension ...If there were 800 agl...and add another 500 cessnas out in the pattern,,it may get close..lolol
some more pics
the 2 red and Blue Sand rails are Barts and Bretts (brothers) ..the other 2 are friends of theirs...none are as fast as the superchrged vette engine...The Silver one has a GPS unit that will actaully track your lines and jumps..If your a few feet over from the lip of your jump..It flashes a skull to tell you are not aproaching the jump at the rigth angle..That i sreally kikazzz when you are hurtling 100 plus feet...
we had a group of dirt bikers who are pretty skilled...unlike soem of my pics...ya,.,,i want that centered..this is about a 110 foot bump..but you can see in the background all the other bumps and humps used to fling yourself.....
I was riding a 450F Yamaha most of the time..I dotn relaly jump bigger then 20 or so feet..But..On Sunday..I was charging up th emain peak.....the day was a bit overcast so..seeing wasnt that easy..especially when you look at the white sand compared to the white clouds...I thought I had about another 30 feet till the tip of the duen..I didnt..I had about 15 ffet..Well I flew straight off the peak..When I saw all the Rvs and campers in my view I said oohhh Sheiite..But My L33T Skeeels..saved me..I landed about 20 feet down the other side ..was not more then 10 feet off the ground..landed saftly procceded to roll down the other side of the mountain with my heart barley was a jaw dropper....This other guy who was on the other side of the lip saw me..was just starring ..probblay was that guy thinking...
Btw..I got a 100$ fireworks ticket on Sunday Night...THERE were SHEITE loads of firworks/ mortars..and multi rokt launchers letting loose every night...I fired off all mine by 4am on Friday Night.......So on sunday night i was pretty much a spectator...The cops did a "mass attack" bum rush on our camp ground.....I accepted the ticket as the officers said..well ..who do you want to get this ticket?....They tried so very hard to make me get my ID out..They wanted to search a RV really bad..f ing cops...can go suk A D....its such BS,they have to do this crap..This makes me want to sing the 187 songs for there azzez'z..
But..Like usuall..I will be doing a trial by written decleration..And im going to win this one...