Author Topic: I surrender  (Read 885 times)

Offline Wanker

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I surrender
« on: December 05, 2000, 08:41:00 AM »
Ok, I'm throwing in the towel, even if Al isn't. It isn't worth all the hassle to continue to argue. My opinions here have been affecting some of my AH relationships, and it's not worth losing friends over.

Congratulations Republicans of AH. I hope George W. Bush is the greatest president since Lincoln. If he is, I may even vote for him next time.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2000, 08:59:00 AM »
I've never seen political opinions affect a relationship before.  Its always boiled down to how people react to others with different opinions.


Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2000, 09:44:00 AM »
<S> banana...

There might be some consolation in that we can look forward to Bush's irrepressible sense of humor and his entertaining wise-guy cracks during his term(s). I think he is going to be a good President, but that doesn't mean there won't be funny and/or controversial public comments and lots of grist for SNL  

At least the guy tells it like it is!

"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline Nash

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2000, 12:02:00 PM »
Nooooo! banana - say it isn't so!

First F4U leaves, then you.... Whaaaah please don't leave me alone here with these lunatics!  

I certainly hope it aint affecting your AH relationships. It isn't *really*, is it? If so that would be a shame. Anyone who would move these discussions into the MA would be grossly overstepping IMHO.

I wouldn't hesitate to clear the 6 of the Brothers Kiermighty, or hell - even CaveJ.    Got respect for 'em all.

Ya see, it may get heated in here, but it's *only* politics.

Offline Udie

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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2000, 12:27:00 PM »
Thanks Bax!  

 As for friendship, we go back too many years to let a couple of polititians get in our way of fun!  One day I'll have a new Joystick and will be able to fly again (hopefuly withing the next 2 weeks)  

 When I finaly make it back, let's do some winging together banana and burry any hatchets we may have stuck in each others back.  And I won't mention politics  


Offline Wanker

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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2000, 01:15:00 PM »
Thanks Udie <S>  

I have no ill toward anyone on this BBS for their political views. In fact, once I leave the O' club, I leave all politics behind me.

Nash, ol bleeding heart pal, I'll still be keeping the faith, but the election is over as far as I'm concerned. We lost, time to get over it and move on.

I'd rather not go into detail, but I've had an unfortunate falling out with one of my  online AH "friends", due mostly, IMHO, to my vocal liberalizing in here. I have no ill will toward this person, but I'm not sure the feeling is reciprocated.

I hope y'all understand that none of my liberal ramblings was meant to be personal attacks upon you. I just love a good debate. And somebody's gotta play devil's advocate in here.  

As always, from the left of center,


Offline Kieren

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« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2000, 01:39:00 PM »

If you are in any way referring to me as the person with whom you had the falling out, I hope you realize I would never let this affect me in that manner.

I hope this was something private that we all missed, but in the event it was me let me set your mind at ease here; no hard feelings.  

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2000, 01:50:00 PM »
No Kieren it wasn't you, but thanks just the same. <S>  

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2000, 02:29:00 PM »
Anything I say in here in no way changes how I fly and who I fly with in the game.

If Nash or F4 were on my side I would help them just like anyone else.

I also try not to talk politics or religion while flying.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2000, 10:00:00 AM »
Here's one for ya, banana.  

Last night on TV an interviewer asked Bush how he was sleeping these days...

Bush answered, "Like a baby - I wake up every two hours and cry!"

"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2000, 10:12:00 AM »
Everything I say in here helps me determine who the enemy is, then I log into main, check roster, and hunt them down.


Offline Nash

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« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2000, 12:52:00 PM »
Lol Rip