Author Topic: Love in an elevator:  (Read 718 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Love in an elevator:
« on: November 22, 2001, 10:34:00 AM »
I was entering on of our office buildings and noticed a pretty blonde walking in front of me.  She was entering the building as 8 nerds simultaneously tried to get the door for her.  She went over to the elevators and waited patiently, as did I.

An elevator finally opened, but 10 people got out and the doors closed before they got out of the way.  She quickly pushed the button again and the doors re-opened allowing us entry.

Being the man of the elevator and a complete nerd, I took command of the elevator controls.  I pressed the button and quickly observed that the floor light went back out the second the button was released.

"That's wierd" I said aloud.

She immediately saw the problem.

"Are we stuck?" she asked in a suprised tone?

A quick push of the "open door" button and an attempt at everything else didn't change the situation.

"Yep.. we're stuck" I replied.  Then asked if she wanted to give the controls a try... afterall.. maybe I was pushing the wrong buttons?  Her button pushing skills were comperable and we accepted the inevitable.

I opened up the intercom door and buzzed security to inform them we were stuck.  They said they'd be there in a few minutes.  The result was I am now stuck in an elevator with a pretty blonde and am feeling a bit awkward.

Maybe she sensed that, or maybe she just thought I was the sexiest man allive... I don't know... but after the intercom door closed, she immediately stuck out here hand and introduced herself.  The "conversation" began.  Damn... she was flirting with me.

About 5 minutes later the doors opened and we departed towards the stairs (at opposite sides of the building).  On a site with 8000 people, I doubt I'll see her again.  Oh, well.. the ego was riding pretty high anyway.


That night at home:

I'm sitting on the couch getting ready to watch some TV when it occurs to me I could have some fun with the wife on this one.

"Honey.. guess what happened to me today?"


"I got stuck in the elevator"

now... I've always said women were psychic (and psycho), and if this doesn't prove it.. I don't know what does.

Her reply: "WHO WITH?!?" in a loud agrivated voice.

In hindsight... my answer may have been a tad bit ill advised: "a 5 foot 6 beautiful recent college graduate".

The EMTs are suprised I survived the trip to the hospital.  Fortunately, all of the re-attatchment surgeries were successfull and only a few teeth and claw marks are still visible.

Damn.. I swear she must have been thinking about that... dwelling on the idea of a woman being stuck in the elevator with her man for at least a month to generate that response and that reaction.

Fricking amazing.


Offline SOB

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Love in an elevator:
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2001, 11:29:00 AM »
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Kieran

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Love in an elevator:
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2001, 12:58:00 PM »
AK, you clearly know nothing of women. That is the guaranteed first response of any wife. A one-eyed, mange-ridden junkyard dog has nothing on the territorial nature of a women...  :D

Offline Hangtime

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Love in an elevator:
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2001, 08:02:00 PM »
Man.. you ain't kiddin Kieran. They have a 6th sense and the deductive skills of Sherlock himself. In the course of my week, dealing with my kid, and now holidays, I'm often 'in contact' with my Ex.

Now, my Ex and I have a kewl relationship.. more like brother and sister than ex-spouses. My girlfriend says she's trying to be 'understanding'.. but this NEVER goes well, so I just don't mention when I've dropped by to visit with my daughter and shoot the watermelon with my Ex. Up to now this seems to have worked fairly well, though I have sensed a degradation in the girlfriends attitude when the 'subject' comes up.

Today's turkey day.. I swing by the ex's early in the afternoon, then head off to  the girlfriends for the fancy foul dinner with all the trimmings.

When I strolled thru the girlfriends door her dog betrays me... my ex has a westie, the girlfriend a Lab. The lab detects the scent of the westie, the girlfriend spots this, asks the fated question "Where where you before.. I called..."

ruh roh.

Whelp, nothin works like the truth, right?? Wrong. She wigs right the hell out.. screamin, hollering, projectiles; the whole 9 yards.

No turkey.

No pie.

No nothin.


Who the hell said women were the 'fair' sex?
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Blue Mako

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Love in an elevator:
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2001, 08:19:00 PM »
"Fair", I've never heard that in connection with women except to describe hair colour.  ;)

Offline moose

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Love in an elevator:
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2001, 01:46:00 AM »
just wondering how much of this story is true?