Author Topic: Congressional Action against Warbirds?  (Read 475 times)

Offline Toad

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Congressional Action against Warbirds?
« on: September 18, 2001, 09:42:00 AM »
This just in from my CAF squadron. Might be something we all need to send them a note on.

"No Time To Grieve: S.1155 Targets Warbirds

There isn't time to stop, to get our breath: the budget is rolling to
completion, and, in the rewriting that is sure to happen in the wake of
Terror Tuesday, a terrible bill may be included, unless we all act, and
act now.  "S.1155" doesn't ring any bells, probably; but it's just this
year's version of HR 4205, the hated piece of legislation we -- you, me,
and our friends -- were able to excise from last year's budget.
What it would do is allow the DoD to order the destruction
("demilitarization") of anything the DoD ever owned, like a P-51 or a
P-38, or a Corsair, for instance; or the B-17 manual in your town's
library; or the antique field radio your VFW post trots out every July
4th. The only difference we can see between this year's S.1155 and last
year's HR 4205, is that, this year, there is one tiny exception -- the
DoD won't mandate the destruction of your M-1, provided you got it
through the DCM. If your Grandpa brought it home from Guadalcanal,
though, you're out of luck -- it will need to be destroyed. If your Aunt
Millie has one of Patton's ivory-handled revolvers, she'll have to
render it useless.  We did exhaustive coverage last year on HR 4205.
There's no need to re-invent the wheel; just substitute "S.1155" every
time you see, "HR 4205," and you're on track:

Phone calls and E-Mails specifically mentioning S.1155, Section 921 and
your opposition are urgently needed! With everyone in Congress looking
for new ways to fund anti-terrorism measures, we could also consider
that the money and time devoted to S.1155 could certainly be better used
protecting our citizens, rather than harassing them! While it's set up
so that we'll need to spend our own money to destroy our own equipment,
the administration of this bill could get really expensive!

Senate -

House -

More informaiton at -"" TARGET=_blank>"
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!