Author Topic: CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions  (Read 934 times)

Offline glenmorangie

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CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:09:24 AM »
I have two suggestions as a result of a situation which arose on 8/14.  A highly-ranked player switched sides specifically to take control of a cv group because he was frustrated by the "cv base resupply exploit".  We were having a great fight and the situation was no worse than that encountered when trying to take a large base with 20 or 30 folks defending, which, admittedly can be very frustrating.


I suggest, first, that the "cv exploit" could be diminshed by adding a supply ship to the cv group that contains the troops and supplies. This would allow the troops to be killed separately.

Or, troops could be disabled when the cv sinks, or troops could be disabled when the cv takes 10% damage. Ordinance could go at 50% and so forth.

Second, I suggest that a player have two rankings. One which is overall and one which is within the current country.  The overall rank would be calculated as it is now, the 'country' rank would be calculated on the basis of kills and points scored while a member of that country.  Then, when you switch, you'd be the lowest ranking member of that country until you got some points flying for them.  And, you'd not be able to switch countries only for the purpose of interfering with the other country's tactics.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 07:52:17 AM »
There are better solutions regarding the CV/port issue.

1. Dead ports don't spawn Task Groups.

2. Dead Task Groups don't spawn LVT's.

3. LVT's never spawn closer than 500 yards from shore.

4. Supplies must be dropped well inside the base perimeter, within a very short distance of the hangars. Any supplies dropped further away are lost completely, and still count against a limited amount of supplies available on a Task Group.

5. Supply vehicles of any type required to move for at least 3 minutes before supplies can be dropped.

6. AAA remains down for at least 5 minutes regardless of resupply, unless the base changes hands.

7. Limited amount of supplies available from a Task Group, even more limited if it is damaged.

8. Limited number of LVT's available from a damaged Task Group. More damage, fewer LVT's.

9. Gunners on ships and on fields DIE when their gun is destroyed or their ship is sunk. Charge them with a death and give them no message for landing kills.

In the instance you speak of, troops were not the issue at all. The issue was that the Task Group, dead or not, was able to spawn hordes of LVT's either on shore or so close they might as well have been. This made it impossible to knock the AAA down in order to capture the port, even though there were times when the port base was destroyed and the Task group was sunk, the port could not be captured. The instant AAA was knocked down, it was back up from unstoppable resupply.

The situation WAS much worse than trying to take a large base with 20 defending. A large base, without benefit of the Task Group/port resupply exploit, can be completely flattened and the town flattened and captured. With the Task Group/port resupply exploit this is IMPOSSIBLE. With a large base, or ANY base where the Task Group/port resupply exploit does not work, resupply can be completely stopped. The town and town AAA can be flattened and kept down.

A great fight? Really? I suppose, if you call a few people in the port manned AAA and the ship guns sucking up kills while a few people continually spawn hordes of resupply LVT's a great fight.

Regarding side switching exploits.

1. Command of a Task Group not available for at least 30 minutes AFTER switching sides. Include the use of gun positions on land and sea, so that field guns, shore batteries, and ship guns cannot be locked. Few, if any, will switch sides and wait at least 30 minutes to overcome this.

2. Private text or vox and "all" channels (those channels where it is possible to talk to anyone, regardless of country) are disabled to side switcher for at least 30 minutes. Of course, they could use instant message or chat programs, as well as email or phone calls, but those cannot be controlled by the game.

issues need to be taken care of at the same time. BOTH sides OBVIOUSLY exploited flaws in the game model, and both flaws should be taken care of.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 08:33:15 AM by Captain Virgil Hilts »
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Offline glenmorangie

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CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2005, 07:50:22 PM »
My understanding  is that troops and supplies go down together, which is why I mentioned troops.

Also, my understanding is resupply does not work unless you drop on concrete.

LVTs spawning 500 yards from shore, at a minimum, would certainly help, the LVTs were actually spawning on the base, which was part of the issue.

Some way to interrupt the cycle when the CV sinks or is damaged would be good.  On the other hand, taking away base captures from a CV too early really limits their power.  If one 100# bomb kills the CV group's ability to take bases, that is a negative, and they'll fall from use ( and really PO the blue airplane guys into the bargain ).

Keeping ack down for a minimum time would help, too, but I thought there was a minimum, regardless of resupply.

Maybe the ability to resupply should depend on the distance from the capitol, or sector base, which would limit the effectiveness of the end-run attacks, which this was.  Actually, that might be the most realistic of all - a drop of base supplies has a point value which decreases with the length of the supply line. Or, the amount of base supplies carried by an M3 or LVT should be less than a C-47.

As for switching sides, I've been Knight, Rook and Bishop.  When I've switched, I've tended to stay for a long period. I've been Bish for quite a while. I don't think there should be a problem moving, if you want to, but make the switch cost something.  Make the minimum time on a side a week, if necessary, or reduce the game rank when you move and bring it back up slowly.

Both problems definitely should be addressed.

Offline Tilt

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CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 06:27:19 AM »
I think if a basic troop/logistics ship (s)was added to the basic fleet then the CV could take on FH/BH characteristics and the troop/logistics ship could take on VH/barracks characturistics.

These  then  become separately attritiable.

I would suggest then that fleets not reset until the cv, troop ship (s)and cruiser are all lost.

There is no need to modify LVT spawn code etc....... the point at which a fleet re spawns is set in the terrain build.... if its inappropriate (too close) then a simple change can move it without need to upgrade AH.

btw did fleets actually carry PT boats with them?
Ludere Vincere

Offline glenmorangie

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CV resupply exploit and switching sides, some suggestions
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 08:40:21 PM »
Hmmm.  That would have made for a very interesting launch off the CA!

PTs, I think were only used from shore bases...