Author Topic: General GV stuff  (Read 918 times)

Offline Kev367th

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General GV stuff
« on: August 16, 2005, 05:17:58 AM »
a) The damage model although improved still feels off.

E.g rounds bouncing off m3/m16 from really small distances <800 etc.
If has been suggested this is due to them passing through the skin, then if it is an M3 maybe it should kill some troops?

b) Ostys - were the rounds detonate on impact or proximity?

c) Digital zoom - I am sure the experienced GV'ers can back me up here. Its possible to kill other GVs at ridiculously long ranges in the Panzer and Tiger (Tiger more so).
Considering the current record of around 3km is held by a Challenger in the Gulf War (round 1), it seems ridiculous we can kill GVs at much longer ranges.
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Offline Heretic

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General GV stuff
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 08:19:58 AM »
I have made some ridiculous long range sniper shots with my panzer on panzers and thin skinned armor.       I always thought I was just lucky to do so.        

My furthest kill was a 3.5K shot on a M8.   One shot and the M8 blew up.        He may have been damaged earleir by eithr a AC or maybe another GV tho.   I will never know.

Offline MOIL

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General GV stuff
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 07:44:35 PM »
I would have to agree, the "damage" model has never been too accurate in AH.
Maybe on purpose, maybe not. I don't think back in WW2 the tanks engaged each other at those distances, I could be wrong.

I know artillery lobbed shells a long way, like the 88's and 105mm guns, but that was usually at a larger target like a city or fuel/ammo dump.

I would love to see the GV's in the game operate more realisticly, however I feel most would complain. Again, I could be wrong.

Osty rounds are not proximity fused rounds

Offline Kev367th

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General GV stuff
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 08:42:26 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
I would have to agree, the "damage" model has never been too accurate in AH.
Maybe on purpose, maybe not. I don't think back in WW2 the tanks engaged each other at those distances, I could be wrong.

No your right, as I said longest tank on tank kill is a Challenger in the Gulf War, distance was approx 3km. Can easily kill GV's a lot further out than that in AH.
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Offline MOIL

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General GV stuff
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 10:32:13 PM »
"No your right, as I said longest tank on tank kill is a Challenger in the Gulf War, distance was approx 3km. Can easily kill GV's a lot further out than that in AH"

Last I checked, we don't get to use Challengers and were not using the "Gulf War" as a backdrop. I think the time were portraying is WW2.  again, could be wrong


Offline Kev367th

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General GV stuff
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2005, 10:53:29 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
"No your right, as I said longest tank on tank kill is a Challenger in the Gulf War, distance was approx 3km. Can easily kill GV's a lot further out than that in AH"

Last I checked, we don't get to use Challengers and were not using the "Gulf War" as a backdrop. I think the time were portraying is WW2.  again, could be wrong


Yes but the point was we can kill GV's at longer ranges in AH2 than the current 'record' held by a modern tank.
So maybe the digital zoom needs modifying.
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Offline MOIL

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General GV stuff
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2005, 01:56:31 AM »
"Yes but the point was we can kill GV's at longer ranges in AH2 than the current 'record' held by a modern tank.
So maybe the digital zoom needs modifying"

Ya think!!! :p

Offline syncrII

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Re: General GV stuff
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 05:35:18 AM »
c) Digital zoom - I am sure the experienced GV'ers can back me up here. Its possible to kill other GVs at ridiculously long ranges in the Panzer and Tiger (Tiger more so).
Considering the current record of around 3km is held by a Challenger in the Gulf War (round 1), it seems ridiculous we can kill GVs at much longer ranges. [/B][/QUOTE]


jes i killshootered me against a frindly tank which was more than 6k away LoL. I was in a tiger at the top of a hill and only see a tank with no icon far away so i came to the opinion that he is a enemy. after 10-20 rounds, one hit him and i went too the tower lol.
cu chris3