Here are the orders I thought some of you might like to view.
My squad spent over an hour looking for the enemy fleet. Missed them on the 5 line heading out west the first time. Sorry for those that had a long wait for nothing. No enemy planes were protecting the fleet by the time we found it. We had another group of Ju88s head south and drop on A104. They were attacked by some P-38s.
Have no idea how the frame went yet. My gut feeling is KOOL you have it.
Many more targets than squads so things were pretty thin for the Axis. Maybe for you also.
Stomping 68th Roll A23 in 109G6 and defend A23, V8 and V9 from attack. Suggest you use drop tanks and 75% fuel.
9GIAP VVS RKKA Roll A18 in 109G2 and defend V19. Suggest you use drop tanks and 75% fuel.
UKNIGHTED JG26 Roll A18 in 109G2 and defend A18. Suggest you use drop tanks and 75% fuel.
65th FS ~Fighting ***** Roll A18 in 190A5 w/500kg bomb. Escort 332nd Flying Mongrels out of A18 to the task group area 2.6, 3.6, 2.5, 3.5. Drop ordnance after take off if you desire or keep it in case you are in a position to dive bomb enemy Destroyers. Drop ordnance and engage any enemy CAP spotted. Escorting is your primary objective. Attacking enemy ships is your secondary objective. Only drop on DDs. CV is not a target. 332nd will be flying NOE with torpedoes so stay above their location.
332nd Flying Mongrels Roll A18 in Ju88s with 100% fuel and 2 torpedoes. 4 Ju88s will have bombs for ordinance to drop on 104. Head to the 2.6, 3.6, 2.5, 3.5 area. Use two scouts in 109G2 w/100% fuel to scout ahead and spot the task group. After Ju88s with torps are empty turn south for A104 and fly in formation with 4 Ju88s that have the bombs.
VFS 1000 Roll A114 in 109G2 and defend A114. Suggest you use drop tanks and 75% fuel.
DAMNED Roll A114 in 109G2 and defend A114.
Shillelagh Roll A114 Ju87 with 2-250kg bombs and 1-1000kg bomb. Target is P109 and A103. 2nd life in 190A5 roll from A 114 together w/500kg bomb and attack P109 and A103. If by chance A114 is down then roll from A18 and attack A103.
III/Jabostaffle ES Roll A114 in 109G2 w/250kg bomb. Suggest 100% fuel and drop ordinance shortly after take off. Escort Shillelagh out of 114 to P109 and A103.
Nightmares VMF101 Roll A23 (1/2 squad in C205 & ½ in 109G2 w/250kg bomb) to sweep and attack A47 and P6. Primary target is A47. C205 sweep ahead and the 109G2s escort the Arabian Knights to A47. 109G2 drop ordinance if Arabian Knights are attacked.
Arabian Knights Roll A23 in Ju88s with 4-500kg bombs and 20-50kg bombs. Attack A47 and P6. Primary target is A47. Nightmares in 109G2 will escort you to target.