Author Topic: Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05  (Read 349 times)

Offline kevykev56

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Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05
« on: September 10, 2005, 02:49:18 PM »
Sick Pups were directed to escort Unforgiven out of A25 With P38Js to attack bases at A23 and V9. We were directed to hold on runway until bombers reached 15k. After a very succesful rally point timing we continued our escort duties into target.

The first half of the mission went as planned, as we aproached the targets and bombers were in attack run we were jumped by 10-15 109G6s.  We squashed their first attack by pushing them down and away from the bombers. All seemed great at this point.

Things started going down hill for the Pups when the bombers notified us that the target was obscured by clouds and they would have to make a lower pass.

We knew this would put the bombers directly into the path of the 109s. The decison was made for the bombers to head north away from the 109s and the Pups would try and get the 109s low enough for them to have a clear second attack run onto the target.

While draging the 109s away we had the Chawks come in  overhead with B24s in the second wave to the target area, also too high to see the target below. Having most of the 109s below them was another added benifit to pulling the fighters away early.

The plan worked to some degree. Most of the 109s broke away from the bombers and attacked us in our P38s. We fought long and hard to keep them at bay but the overwhelming numbers and our inexperience in the P38J cost us dearly in this encounter.

All pups were lost to enemy fire or fuel shortages due to continued efforts to fight our way home. The pluss side to this encounter was that there were no losses of bombers and the target was completley destroyed by the Bombers.

Great job to all those who participated in this fight, It was very fun.

A special thanks to the MAW squad for joining up with us and flying our mission. It was an honor to fly with you guys for all the hard work!

Thanks Kool, great orders, great frame!
RHIN0 Retired C.O. Sick Puppies Squadron

Offline RSLQK186

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Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 06:19:38 PM »
Your contributions did not go unnoticed. Also the 325th did not fair well and that left twice as many targets for the C-Hawks and us to deal with. Including the unintentional over flight most of us made 4 passes. You gave us the time to do that. As for the 325th-They did cause 5 deffenders to bail or land before we got there and we apreciate their efforts as well. We all get the hard jobs from time to time but we keep coming back for more.:aok
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Offline FiLtH

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Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2005, 10:54:04 PM »
Nightmares upped a full boat and had a mix of 205s and 109s. As we flew to target I spotted a spit and engaged him. He came apart in front of me, not sure what happened but I didnt get the kill. I dont think I even touched him. During that fight I had a hard time telling up from down due to the difference in the sea and haze. Was scary.

  I continued to A47 thinking I was behind our main flight group but actually arrived earlier, as the rest engaged a bunch of spits. We killed them without loss and they headed to A47. As I was waiting at 47 I engaged a hi mossie and flamed him. Shortly ater that the rest of the mares came to 47 just in time to fight another bunch of spits. We killed all of them but lost a couple guys.

  After the bombers that the mares in 109s were escorting hit 47 we all rtb. We headed back to 47, not as many of us though as we had some landing incidents. 50cals, SMUZ and myself ,plus a few others fought a few 38s there, and a mossie that flew well to keep his E. He ended up dying to ROC I believe later as ROC was escoting the bombers 2nd strike.

   We rtb again. 50cals had some weird landing mishap. I headed back to 47 in the closing 1/2 hour. MGD called out many b24s attempting to land at 47 so I raced in. Sure enough I found them. Just missed 1 b24 that landed and despawned before I could hit him. Then I tried for a full flight of b24s and paid the price. I got a pilot wound. I chased the 2 b24 flights over the port and the deadly ack took me out.

  Was a great night!


Offline TracerX

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Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2005, 03:30:27 PM »
USMC took off from A103 with 11 B24 formations.  We had two gunners on board, Sled who was host CM, and WMsharp who was observing his first FSO event.  We had some confusion at first but got everyone organized and flying in the right direction.  Kool and his group were our cover for the night and they did a fantastic job.  Orders were to climb to 25K, but we cut it short to only 23K in order to get to the target under 1 Hour.  We encountered 2-3 109’s before V19, but they did not have any effect since our escorts chased them away.  Unfortunately, the visibility was bad, and we missed V19 cause we could not see it, so we descended to 17K and took aim on A18.  Approaching A18, we ran into 6-10 109's defending.  They managed to score 8 of our B24's, before Kool and his flight of P38's neutralized them.  We lost some B24’s and P38’s to friendly fire I believe here.  I tore off the wings of my lead bomber leveling after the decent to 17K, but continued on with only two B24’s.  

The decent left us too fast to calibrate and line up for a drop, so only one or two B24’s dropped an egg with zero results.  We continued to fight off the remnants of the attack as we extended to the SE.  At this point we had lost two full formations, one to a disconnect, and another to enemy action possibly.  We had also lost 5 B24’s from various other formations.  We regrouped turned around and went back to A18.  This time we got three hangers on the big pad.  We continued to V19 where we got all 3 hangers there.  Then we turned around to try to hit A18 for the third time.  

We were conserving our eggs for A114 so only two people dropped on the remaining hangers.  One hit, and one missed, leaving one hanger at A18.  We decided to send JRCCrow down to finish it off, which he did with the help of Eagle in his escorting P38.  The rest of us continued on to A114, which had been untouched by earlier attacks.  

In order to make an Eastern approach, we went due south for a couple sectors then turned west.  It is possible we avoided enemy con’s patrolling between A114 and A18 since it seemed active there.  We dropped all we had on A114 in a single pass since there was no time to try again.  We hit all but one target.  The missed hanger was due to the fact that my eggs landed on Hopper16’s flight of three B24’s and completely wiped out his formation.  We were both assigned to hit the same target, and unnoticed by me, he passed below and behind my flight, directly in the path of my recently released bombs.  I had never seen this before, and was completely unaware that it could happen.  Hopper had flown a great mission and deserved to land his planes.  We then began a long decent to our return base, and landed just before the frame ended without contacting any enemy fighters.  We all had a great time.

End result, 14 out of 15 Hangers destroyed at three enemy bases.

Offline Mystic2

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Operation Husky AAR 9/9/05
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2005, 09:34:27 AM »
we want to thank our escorts the other nite.  You guys did a fantastic job keepin the fighters off of us while we did our multiple bomb runs.  You guys gave us enuff times to make 3-4 passes.  Thanx again
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