After over a year of "learn by doing" without much progress, I had a great training session -- where I learned that the stall limiter is a major fight limiter. For the last week I've been flying without it.
I do fine in the MA, but in the low speed angles environment of the DA I'm having major problems. I know some of the adjustment will just come with practice, but since I dont "learn by doing" as quickly as I "learn by hearing" I'd appreciate a couple pointers.
1) I hear the difference between the stall horn and buffeting; but I dont know their exact realtionship. Is buffet the next step past the stall warning? Do elevators and airelons have the same effect on buffet, or is one more dangerous than the other? Should I try to keep completely away from buffet, or do yuo ride that too?
2) With the llimiter on, I got pretty comfortable using 1/4 rolls in the middle of a tight loop to redirect or gain angles. When I try that now, especially on the slower (downward) arm, I almost always lose control. Am I just too close to the edge, or doing a bad thing altogether?
I've been maneuvering alone, trying to find the envelope, but that doesnt seem to translate into imporvement as yet. It's pretty discouraging right now, and I'm dying almost every turn fight I try. I'm either being aggressive and augering, or I'm keeping safely on "my" edge and losing fights I know I should be able to win.
Any general stall limiter tips you may have would be GREATLY appreciated. I know practice will be part of it, but I think I learn better with explanations -- so thanks in advance!