Can AH have a better representatibe lineup for FW-190s?
* 1st massed produced of FW-190s
* Introduced in mid 1942
* Served until 1943
* This plane is similar to 190A-5 BUT with lighter wings to accomodate outer-root MG-151 cannons instead of MG-FF cannons
* Introduced in mid 1943
* Served until 1944
FW-190A-8 (BMW 801 TS powered pleeese
* Most produced 190 variant
* Introduced in mid/late 44 (for BMW 801 TS powered 190A-8)
* Served till the end of war
* Same as 190A-8 but can this have BMW 801 TS?
* Designed to counter the high performance escort fighters (P-51)
* Introduced in 1945 (a 190D-9 with MW-50 boost WAS a 1945 plane)
* Designed to dominate allied fighters at high alt
and counter very high alt bombers like B-29.
* Introduced in 1945
* limited numbers
class dismiss:p