well... got the film, and it's official. Chris3 was 6.3k in their fight.
Let's discuss the alt cap. It's HARD to NOT know that you broke cap. Well nigh impossible. So we shall move this convo. on to integrity. A good rule of thumb is that if you think you MIGHT have broken the alt cap, go ahead and .ef (End Flight).
I always say that if you are 101% totally positive that you were under 6k, then continue fighting. IF not, .ef end flight. Better to be safe and honorable, than sorry and not.
Here is a case where it was broken by several hundred feet at the top of a loop. There was NO WAY Chris3 didn't know he was over 6k. He had to fight to get his plane nose down. So let's just consider this post a warning. Continued breaking of the KOTH rules will result in not being allowed to fly in the King of the Hill, which is too bad as KOTH is one of the best times we have in AH.
In the future lets all play fair, and not make ole' Lute boot anybody for flagrant rule violations. You do not get a "fresh" start with every KOTH. I WILL boot a player if they don't follow the rules in a KOTH that was warned in prior KOTH's. Come on people, make my job as KOTH HOST easy and just follow the rules.
(while i'm at it....)
another thing happened during friday koth that really, REALLY ticked me off. A certain player (you know who you are) was fighting down in the southern portion of the radar circle. There was a fight in the middle, and one up north. This player flew PAST the fight in the middle (it was one of his squaddies) and continued on to the extreme north of the map and picked a fight. I happened to be the player in the north, and I was lazily fighting my nme, having checked the radar, and knew that the south player had to fight the con's in the middle before me, so I had time to kill my nme and then join them in the middle. I ended up out of position and killed, which doesn't bother me, I get killed alot, but said player ignored the CM's warning three times to get into a fight.
There is no winging in koth. You can't fly PAST a fight where a squadie is fighting, and go to another fight vs. a non-squaddie. If you are warned by the CM to go find the closest fight, you need to do so. Not ignore him, break the rules, and go "my bad". Also consider this a warning, and I would really hate to have to keep anybody from playing koth, but this isn't the 1st time I have seen it, and in the future I will .eject this player if I see anything even sort of kinda CLOSE to this behaviour.
Are we clear?