hitting a city, and hitting a military target in the middle of a city are 2 verry different..
pilots lives are too valuable and weapons too expensive to be dropping them on the already ruined city.. when a bomb lands in one of those citys there is a 99% chance that it was aimed at and probably hit something of military value.. be a a com tower, or a bunker, or a radar dish.. etc..
the fact that bombing civilians is wrong and all that PC crap, there is very little to gain by doing it anyway, and its a wast of expensive fuel, ord and time.. not to mention the rick of a plane getting shot down.. they only attack targets that are worth the time, risk and money.. remember these arnt el-cheapo artillary shells and dumbfire zuni rockets.. this is either high dollar million dllar bombs, or dumb bombs being dropped by high dollar high risk (well sort of) multi million/billion dollar aircaft.