Players are really getting tired of the endless political spam and foul language curse out rage whining done on channel 200. I get muted for typing no one wants to hear about obama then mod allows hours of racial , religious and political foolishness to go on endlessly. Then we have to hear the same players cursing people out and insulting anyone who kills them. Then the fix suggested is just detune 200 ... NO it's there for players who want to fellowship or salute a good fight they just had or just to have a simple dialogue on gameplay. It's really gotten out of hand. The mute feature is what most of us are having to do continuously and thank heavens for that but it would be such a great surprise to see a mod do their job effectively and efficiently people would get the picture then that their behavior is not only not allowed but overwhelmingly unwanted in the game. I sat and watched a player who I won't name tell a player to suck his d*** , and nothing done, next I watch a player call everyone who kills him a Pus** and nothing done , then hours of anti Semitic mess and Mexican jokes , then after clicking report player about 20 times he goes on to make Laquitha and Shaniqua jokes .... just where does it end folks. Make a
Channel 201 that players can go to who want to act like that or select additional mods that be be on during all time zones. Channel 200 is out of control and detuneing it is unfair to those who are actually on it for what it is intended for. If you would like names of those who I am speaking of Skuzzy or Dale PM me anytime. The Politics endlessly argued about takes away from 200.
We all enjoy the game that's why we stay for years but some players really need to be reigned in due to highly distasteful and continuous behavior and text chat on 200. A player suggested this is WAR we don't hold hands an sing Cumbye ya which I understand so if that is the case why have mods at all just let it be a free for all which it pretty much already is on 200. No worries I have been here since 2004 and don't plan on going anywhere because I have rather THICK Skin and am used to it after years on end but to the new players just coming in... Is that how we want to portray ourselves and the level of gameplay that we offer to them? Do you really think they are going to shell out 14.99 a month or just let their 2 week trial run out ? Just a morcel to ponder and think about.