Author Topic: Story Of The One Finger Salute Finger.  (Read 150 times)

Offline StSanta

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Story Of The One Finger Salute Finger.
« on: August 05, 2006, 12:30:16 PM »
This is not related to war or politics or religion. It's a simple thank you for coming up with the term "baseball finger".

In medical terms:
Permanent flexion of the terminal phalanx of a finger due to a break in the extensor tendon resulting from a blow from a ball or other object. Also called hammer finger, mallet finger.

In laymans terms:

There I was, doing a nice wee little 270 degree downwind landing. Bit too much speed so I put myself on my bellybutton and glide it off. Since I got new lines on my canopy, that appears to be how I prefer things.

Get up, pick up canopy - the tip of the the One Finger Salute finger won't stretch out. It just stays there, giving it up for itself while valiantly saluting the other Sheep Fingers who do what Da Man tells 'em to.



I walk around with the f'ed up finger for a while and promptly forget all about it. Til I come home and want to write on the AH board about what wussies Americans in general are (and Texans in particular).

The stupid finger is still saluting me in it's half arsed half extended way.

So I look on the intardnet and lo and behold, the Americans have a word for it! Gone is all the negativity towards Amreekhans, replaced by an instant admiration. These sods have the same sort of fingers and have even named them! Now I just have to spend 6-8 weeks with a dumb looking rail on my finger.

That silly finger will listen to Rage Against The Machine for 6 weeks. after that it'll promptly marry, get kids, go bald and wonder WTF is up with the other fingers nowadays. It'll go to posh dinners at the Ripsnorts and ask the rest of its gang "when will you ever grow up?".