Thanks for the info Ram1.
I was just scrolling down through the thread, waiting to read all of it before I posted.
As a card-carrying, tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, bunny-hugging liberal, I really resent automatically dubbing someone a "liberal" because they take the opportunity to try and gain popularity by invoking the heart strings of the people, and lambasting a sport that I have watched with some intensity for many, many, years.
I mean, journalistically speaking, it's kind of a no-brainer to point to an incident where someone died, and say, "My God! That's dangerous!"
Talking about Kelly was pretty low too.
The only thing that's worse is when people make up complete lies, like the thread circulating around that Jane Fonda was responsible for having POW's killed, and even using specific servicemen's names, which, by the way, the servicemen do NOT appreciate.
People who traffic in this trash aren't liberal or conservative, they're just plain...well...what Wobble said.
So let's leave politics out of assininity. It has nothing to do, at least as far as I'm concerned, with the fact that this guy voted for Bush.
Now that I know that the reporter was a conservative, I'm not going to lambast Republicans for his outburst. Hell, Dubya had a representative at the funeral yesterday.
I didn't get to watch the whole thing...but the part I did get to watch, well...some stuff kept getting in my eyes.
Anyway, after all that's gone on in this country for the last few months, let's not drag the fight over into our love of NASCAR racing.
And obviously, that journalist (and I use the term loosely), knows absolutely nothing about race car drivers.
The quotes posted by funked were pretty much spot-on. Of course you have to take Nuvolari's comments with a grain of salt...he was truly a madman!
Anyway, let's all try and stick together while we try and heal from this thing. It hasn't been easy for any of us, no matter who we voted for, or our political leanings. Let's keep politics out of this, and try and put it back together as best we can.
I have to work all day Sunday, but I'll tape the race, and I'll probably wait until I get the 4 year old to bed before I watch it. I'm not sure how I'm going to react, and I think I just want to be alone while I watch it.