Hello All --
I am in the process of updating my World War II in the air links page, "The Control Tower"
http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com/World_War_II_Aviation_Link.htmlI believe it is one of the most extensive listing on the net. You can help mane it even better
I would appreciate recommendations from the denizens of this forum for new additions. (If you're not sure if I already have the link, just check the Control tower url above.) Sites can be your own or one you found. The subject matter criteria is straightforward:
1. World War II planes or manufacturers from any nation. Includes armaments, design, performance, roles etc.
2. Battles that had a significant air component (Midway, BOB etc)
3. Diaries or recollections from people who participated (pilots, air & ground crew, designers etc)
4. Sites dedicated to a particular air unit ("The 505th BG Home Page") or veterans organizations.
5. Web sites can pertain to any nation that participated in the air war and can be in any language.
6. I'll accept links to stores, Magazines, Art etc as long as their overall theme has to do with WW2 in the Air.
Links can be to a website home page or to a particular page or section of special interest. Generally speaking, I am looking either for depth and detail or some unique info not found elsewhere. I try to include as much as possible, but don't bother if your site consists entirely of a picture of a Spit you scanned in from Air & Space Magazine with a short paragraph on why you like that plane so much, Smile
Please post the name of the site & URL here or, if you prefer, email me at
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