Author Topic: BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(  (Read 405 times)

Offline Wmaker

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BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(
« on: December 07, 2000, 09:02:00 AM »
Screen stutter problem has been bothering me ever since I upgrated my computer to this configuration:

Motherboard:Abit BM6 i440BX-W977
Processor  :466Mhz Celeron overclocked to 525Mhz
Videocard  :Voodoo 3 3000
RAM        :128mb
Modem      :Telewell k56 flex (ISA-card)
Monitor    :Panasonic PanaSync S70   17"

At first it looked just an on-line problem because it was so pronounced there, but recently I've noticed it appears offline too but it isn't by far as distractive as it usually is online. It varies, sometimes it isn't *that* bad but usually it completely destroys my gunnery and makes my eyes hurt therefore makes it completely unplayable.

Here are some things listed about this problem hopefully helping to solve it:

-I've tried WarBirds in h2h with 3D graphics on and the stuttering is even worse than in AH but with 2D graphics it's simply gone. Both sims show good frame rates all the way (between 25-60...usually 30-40) so it has nothing to do with unability to process the graphics. I'm running WB with 1024*768. When running AH with 1280*1024 resolution suttering is much worse than with 1024*768 resolution. Other video options for AH are: 16 bit, "use Z-buffer" unchecked and "disable triple buffering" checked. To make things trickier, for example Grand Prix Legends runs smoothly both off and online.

-I have all the latest drivers installed. Computer was updated about 11 months ago so that eliminates the possibility of new drives' possible bugs causing it since all essential drivers have been updated  at least once.

-I've read about disabling connection dialogbox from the systray might help but for some reason even with the option displaying it unchecked, it shows!!! It won't go away no matter what I do. But there's a reason to believe it wouldn't help much anyway. We had a big local internet/gaming event here at Kerimäki, Finland. There was about 130 computers connected to each other using LAN and also to the internet through 2 megabyte "pipe". So the internet connection there had nothing to do with our modem, and because no modem there was no connection dialogbox either. And it STILL wasn't nearly as bad as it is with the modem but it was still visible.

If I could get this solved I'd prolly jump through the roof from exitement, so somebody, anybody make me do it PLEASE!!!  

P.S There aren't enough words to describe how frustrated I am and I know I'm a moron for not posting about this until now, so please don't remind me of it  

      Lentolaivue 34
Lentolaivue 34

Thank you for the Brewster HTC!

Offline SKurj

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BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2000, 09:46:00 AM »
Woohooo another GPL driver huh +)

Are you running any firewall software?

Do you have disable interrupts checked in joystick properties? (make sure its not checked)
Uncheck disable triple buffering

I run AH at 1024x768
celery 266 @ 448
abit bh6
128mb ram
w98 non se
v3 3000 ago
sw prec pro, and TM pedals


[This message has been edited by SKurj (edited 12-07-2000).]

Offline Wmaker

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BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2000, 11:18:00 AM »
Hehee, I suck at GPL but it's the best racing sim ever published for PC and I am trying hard...  

Thanks for swift response!!!
Ironically tonight as you contacted me in MA (Does tech support get any better than that ?!?  ) it was working (well...allmost) like a dream. It was the best performance I've seen online during 11 months!!! Funny toejam, huh ?   Going to try out everything you suggested when it starts to act up again...still come it stops instantly after just posting this here...hehe...truly funny toejam...
Lentolaivue 34

Thank you for the Brewster HTC!

Offline hblair

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BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2000, 04:09:00 PM »
Double Click on 'My Computer', Double Click on 'Dial up Networking', Click on 'Connections' (at top of screen), Click on 'Settings' Ensure that there is not a check beside 'Show an Icon on Taskbar after Connected'

Offline bloom25

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BAD screen stuttering...becoming desperate :(
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2000, 06:25:00 PM »
Try defragmenting your hard drive.  Also make sure that your modem, sound card, video card are not sharing the same interupts.  Especially make sure that the video card and sound card aren't.
