Author Topic: ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate  (Read 357 times)

Offline Midnight

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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate
« on: March 21, 2001, 10:00:00 AM »
I just installed a Radeon with 64MB DDR. I am getting about 25fps in the tower and around 15fps in the cockpit.

Running 1024x768 @ 16bit

I used to run a Monster 3D VoodooII and would get about 35fps in the cockpit with 800x600. I tried running the Radeon at 800x600, but it still suffered from low FPS.

I am downloading the latest divers as I type this, that will also require DX8. So I have a couple questions...

Should I be using the 'Z' Buffer?
Should I enable or force anti-alising?

I don't really know what all those things do or what I should set them at.

BTW: System is a Dell Dimension XPS D300
CPU: Pentium II 300Mhz

Any one have a suggestion for better FPS? I was really hoping to get into the 40s anyway.


Offline Lephturn

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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2001, 12:28:00 PM »
While that video card is pretty sweet, it's like putting putting 12" wide slicks on a car with a moped engine compared to the rest of your system.  While the device is there to get the power to the ground, you don't have enough horsepower to begin with.  Your CPU can't churn out the math necessary to give that video card enough work to do.

Your bottleneck here is the CPU and RAM.  The easiest and cheapest upgrade you can do right now is to get yourself at least 128 Megs of RAM, but 256 should be affordable.  RAM is very cheap right now, you can get a 256 Meg stick of PC133 Ram for under $100 USD and that's top quality stuff.  I just checked Crucial's site for you, so check out what you would need to order:

You can add a 128 Meg stick for $62.00 US.  That's pretty damn cheap.  Crucial is a very good company to deal with, they are the direct sales arm of Micron, which manufactures the RAM itself.

I think you could also drop in:

It's the same thing, but the newer, higher rated RAM.  It's actually cheaper than the slower stuff, and you would be able to use it in another machine in the near future, whereas the 66 Mhz stuff is already obsolete.  However, you do take the chance that it won't work right in your Dell, as some of those early PII's had some weird toejam for RAM systems like 168 Pin EDO RAM and nothing else will work in them.  If you buy the one for that particular system, it will definately work, but you'll never be able to use it in a more modern machine.

More RAM will definately help, but it may not get your framerate to where you want it to be.  The only way to driver that card for 1024x768 32 Bit and FSAA is likely going to be a mainboard/CPU/Ram update.  Basically a new machine, especially since it's an OEM box so you'd need a new case/power supply as well.  If you bothered to go that far, you would cripple it with a slow hard drive, so you'd want a new HD as well.

Your likely better off to sell this one and get a new one to be honest.  Or, do what I do, upgrade the old one and use it as a server and order yourself a new box.  

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

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Offline Midnight

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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2001, 12:38:00 PM »
Thanks Lephturn. Very detailed explaination.

A new box is my next plan of attack. Might be a few weeks or so.

I understand the theory here, but should I not get at least the same FPS I got with the Voodoo II at 12MB?

I have tried every video size available for AH and aside from the 640x480 and 1600x1200, I get the same FPS everywhere. What a downer   The 640x480 and 1600x1200 only work in the tower.

Oh well... I guess it's off to computer shopping then.

Thanks again.


Offline Lephturn

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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2001, 07:05:00 AM »
Well, here is what I would try if I were you.

1024x768 16 Bit.  No FSAA.

Give that a shot.

If that works, try it with FSAA turned on.  That should only stress the video card, I don't think it will load the CPU any more.

Then try 1024x768 32 Bit color.  See how that does.  If that works, then try FSAA again.

Basically, the reason you may be slower is color depth.  Your old V2 would only do 16 Bit color, while the new card will do 32 Bit.  However, going to 32 bit may be putting more stess on the CPU, so that may be why you don't see framerates that are as good.

The other possiblity is that the new card is more dependent on the CPU than the old V2 was... but that doesn't sound right.  I suppose it's possible though.  Try the color depth first.  

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

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Offline Skuzzy

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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO frame rate
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2001, 09:16:00 AM »
You may also have been bitten by the installation curse of switching from one card to another.
It is a true pain to do and if not done correctly can result in lousy performance.

Lephturn is quite right about the system being too slow to keep the card busy.  The radeon works best with a CPU of 800Mhz or higher.

Read this and I hope it helps.

Roy "Skuzzy" Neese
President, AppLink Corp.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese