Author Topic: Aar  (Read 491 times)

Offline Stampf

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« on: March 31, 2007, 05:55:28 PM »
From the desk of the Adjutant

Action Report – II/JG11 – 30 March, 2007 Friday

To the Kommanduer,

22:00 – 24:00.  Elements of Stab and White left field # 33 in accordance with the following Area High Command order “Form a group in order to provide close escort for the bomber destroyers.  Stay within visual range until the fight is joined.  Engage any enemy escorts that remain with the bombers and keep the 110’s free to engage the bombers.  If no escorts remain, you are free to assist with engaging the bombers.”   At 22:06 Lt. Mulf led 5 FW 190 A-5’s southwest in an maximum effort to reach patrol altitude and position northeast of Rouen City.  Maintaining close visual proximity to the Zerstorers we loitered at 31K feet.  Enemy forces attacking to the North, in the Calais area met determined area Gruppen resistance and were badly mauled.  The Gruppe held good order and maintained high altitude cap over the 110’s until at 22:45 enemy B-24 bombers were spotted at 20K ft. heading for Rouen.  Enemy fighter escorts were out of effective position and the attacking bombers were decimated.  Rolling in with Obrlt. ViperII, I destroyed (one) enemy heavy before breaking off the few remaining bombers, and after assuring the 110’s were in good order we dove in on 8 -10 low altitude Typhoons.  Lt. Mulf kept the flight high and fast and we smashed the Typhoon attack, downing (3) in short order with no casualties among us.  Obrlt. ViperII sustained engine damage and was forced to land at nearby field #41.

With all attackers destroyed or beating it west across the channel, the Schwarm headed in to re-arm at Field #43.  At 23:10 we re-upped and headed north in expectance of possible second wave attack.  Upon reaching patrol altitude and finding little cause to believe the allies were returning in force, we headed west across the channel to hunt stragglers.  Close to the English coast we encountered enemy Spitfires heading east and engaged at 23:28 hours.  After several minutes of intense combat and after I had sustained significant damage from an enemy Spitfire both sides turned towards home.  Missing half my right wing and with my landing gear shot out I fought the stick and set course for field #45 in the Normandy sector.  Lt. Mulf, Obrlt. Zud, and Obfw Tuxc123 held high screen for me as I nursed my stricken fighter toward the French coast. At 23:48 hours I managed to successfully land my one winged Focke Wulf at field #45, and moments later the rest of the Gruppe set down safely behind me.

In all, Area Gruppen were able to field (146) Bf109, 110, and Fw190 interceptors, accounting for (116) confirmed enemy kills for the loss of (54) pilots.  Elements of II/JG11 accounted for (3) enemy kills with 3 more probable with no casualties and only one piece of equipment ordered unserviceable.  A meritorious action citation on behalf of Lt. Mulf is forthcoming and it is with great pride in the boys that I submit this report.


Stampf, Hptm.
Adjutant <+---
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Offline Stoney74

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 11:58:34 PM »
Great job guys...

Offline Stampf

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« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 09:51:20 AM »
:)  Thanks Stoney.  Great fun for sure. :aok
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Offline Stampf

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Close one
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2007, 10:03:12 AM »
Was this close...

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Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2007, 11:23:01 AM »
That's a good read Stampf. :aok
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline Stampf

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RE Aar
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2007, 08:38:01 AM »
Thanks Easy.
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Offline sl1mrava

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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 08:43:33 AM »
Stampf were you down defending the city?

Offline Stampf

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RE position
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2007, 08:52:20 AM »
Our primary was high escort for the 110's.  We did end up down low by the city running the Typh's down however.  Never saw any Mossies as we were to the north when the first wave of allies went feet dry.  City was hit hard by the time we got there.
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