Author Topic: getting tired of this now  (Read 377 times)

Offline air_guard

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getting tired of this now
« on: April 23, 2001, 07:33:00 AM »
ive done my work when talking about lockups  and are really beeing sad about this i like the game but it dont make sence anymore.
Is this the only game my computer dont handle ?  YES somehow:
can fly fihter ace
can fly cfs
can fly eaw
can fly F4
why in heck cant i fly this game wihtout beeing turend out to stupid lockups ?
And as i said before but no none ever even being brave enogh to talk about the clouds and probably programming problems ?
cant see why u guys dont wanna answer please ?
and yes ive checked the forum up and down and it my problems was solved after tour 8 and last patch  started it again havnt done any hardware uppgrades and so on after that,.


Offline air_guard

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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2001, 07:35:00 AM »
after all i pay to much money for somthing dont working! getting off soon im only a loving student


Offline batdog

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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2001, 07:42:00 AM »
 Have you done a defrag on your PC lately?

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2001, 08:06:00 AM »
Airguard...I added another 128 megs of ram (total 256) and all my problems went away.  Also installed TWEAKALL which has a plug in allowing me to free up as much memory as possible prior to running the game...ALL my lock up probs went away .FYI

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2001, 08:10:00 AM »

Offline WhiteHawk

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getting tired of this now
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2001, 01:20:00 AM »
air guard..had a sever lockup problem when I
first started.
 If you have AMD 751 AGP (right click
 my puter/properties/device manager-
 expand system devices to check) you should
get the latest AGP drivers.  If you dont know
where to get them, mail me... and i will mail them
to u.  If you have any VIA Tech stuff in the
system device section goto  and get the 4.29 drivers.
  You have to install them.  (double click on
the executable file after u unzip it)
  Last but NOT least..check your power supply.  If it aint 300watts get a 300watt
power supply.  
  I too could rn all ,y other games
(CFS, CFS2, EAW, etc..) but not AH.
 Power supply 45 bucks and I believe that
fixed my lockup problem.
  I eliminated that as a cause because
I could run my other programs with no
problem, but I suspect that was the cause
of my AH lockups.

Good luck

Offline air_guard

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« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2001, 11:14:00 AM »
Thanks all !  
well figured it out now my cpu is overheating 57c (130 somthing F).
i measuread it direcktly on the core this time and guess thats the big problem.
It only happens in AH somhow and only somthimes.
can see the cpu temp raises from 48/50c to 57 specially when near clouds or much smoke.
strange im not overclocking and have a bigtower with lots of fans.
well gotta have to sell the amd toejam and get me a damed pentium again cause they dont heat that bad   (until then i just gotta live with the lockups)
grrrrrrrrrrrrr cant belive it a 5 month amd 800 atlhon overheating in a online game.
ive got a hi end cooler for the cpu so it isnt that either.
found out cause that mickey tip helped me out to atleast check the cpu temp closer only thing i hadnt checked at that time.

well thanks for all help and send me a refrigarator if anyone have a spare one lol  


Offline Graywolf

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« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2001, 12:10:00 PM »

If you're using a GeForce card with an Athlon processor have a look at this site

Very good article about fixing lockups...

Athlons run hot it's not really a problem though.

Mine idles at 35C, but tops out at 70C when being pushed, which is a little hotter than I'd normall like. Doesn't bother it though. One day soon I improve things a little, but them main problem is the crowded case (6 IDE drives a CD-RW and 5 PCI cards in a 3 x 5 1/4" bay midi tower case.

Looking at the codes on the die will tell you what the max operating temperature is. Both mine have been rated at 90C, I wouldn't like to run them that hot though, for a start it would shorten their life a lot.

Wild horses wouldn't drag me back to an Intel chip... =)

Graywolfe <>

Offline SC-DeMutt

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« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2001, 01:33:00 AM »
Sorry to hear ya having so much trouble Air Guard. But Unless there's a surface mating issue with your Athlon, and the cooler, I kinda doubt that AH is causing the problem.

I'm currently running an AMD DDR rig, (AMD 1ghz/266fsb CPU, ASUS A7M-266 mobo, 256mb pc2100/266mhz DDR-SDRAM), And a GeForce2 MX 32mb AGP video card. When I've been online [AH] about 2 hours, I checked it and the CPU was only up to about 45-48'c. (Oh, Im using a Thermaltake chrome orb cooler, btw. Heard yours is better?).

  I know from experience that the cpu cooler and cpu absoloutely MUST be properly mated or overheating is the least of your worries!
  The company I bought my kit from, shipped it to me as it came off the test bench, [pre-assembled], And the first time I turned it on, It lit the monitor for about 15 seconds before burning two neat 'vampire holes' through the bottom of the CPU!! Apparently, the cooler had shifted somewhat during shipping, and buggered the seal between it and the cpu. A couple of microns of air gap was all it took.
(Needless to say, they took my advice and disassembled the next one before shipping it)

Hope ya get er fixed m8 [S!]

Skeleton Crew!

Offline Harppa

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« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2001, 02:40:00 AM »
Funny thing, I got rid of my lockups just by accident  
My specs:
Athlon TB 1.2, Msi k7t pro 2 mobo
256 Mb RAM, win 98 SE, DirecX7.0a
Asus V3800 Riva TNT2
Sb 128 live !

After few formats with no luck, I began thinking I had problems with my DVD software lately , when running in resolutions higher than 1024 x 768 . That's the resolution I'm using in AH at the moment.
My desktop resolution was 1280 x 1024 at the moment, so I just lowered it to the same as in AH . I was quite surprised, no more lockups for me any more, and this happened about two weeks ago  
It was just hit or miss for me   probably it has something to do with my TNT2, or maybe the processor was overheating, don't know...
I also checked out that the airflow is not blocked in any way inside the case. No problems there.

Try it out, it's cheap and easy  
