Author Topic: Arena Campers in Free Multiplayer  (Read 290 times)

Offline DktrEvil

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Arena Campers in Free Multiplayer
« on: May 27, 2007, 07:49:14 AM »
I have been partcipating in AHII for awhile, both in the pay arenas and more recently in the Free Multiplayer Arenas.  

I run my own arena and have encountered the Camper phenomena.  FMA's only allow 8 people per arena.  I have noticed people joining my arena and then leaving the computer for hours effectively blocking others from joing and playing. If I am in the arena and notice Campers I usually give them a chance to respond before booting them. However, when I am not able to manage the arena these Campers can ruin the fun for others.  I even have had players complain to me about them.

My suggestion to HiTech is to add a feature which would automatically boot someone from the FMA if they are in the tower for more than 5 minutes (or whatever time period the CM chooses).  This could be a feature the CM could turn on or off.  It wouldn't matter if the person got in a vehicle or plane and left the computer because you could kill them and then they would go to the tower and the timer would start.  This would help manage the arena when the CM is not around (like when sleeping at night!). :aok
+Dr Evil's Death Squadron+

Let this be a lesson to you all that this organization will not tolerate .......... F-a-i-l-u-r-e!

Offline folkwufe

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Arena Campers in Free Multiplayer
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 10:58:22 PM »
kick them out