Author Topic: aces high is the best  (Read 1071 times)

Offline Zigrat

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aces high is the best
« on: July 07, 2001, 10:17:00 PM »
but there is still room for improvement. i tried both the other big mmol sims out there and imo ah is still the best.


1) please lets reduce icons. i think the ww2ol icon system is very neat. i would like to try something like it in a real flight sim ie aces high.

2) lets reduce in flight radar. id like to have dot radar available only from the tower, (bar still avail in flight) and have no dar at all under 500 ft. additionally, get rid of all radar in sectors not adjacent to a sector with a friendly base. (ie you shouldnt get radar returns on whats going on deep bvehind enemy lines)

well thats pretty much it. here's hoping.

Offline skernsk

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2001, 10:31:00 PM »
1) please lets reduce icons. i think the ww2ol icon system is very neat. i would like to try something like it in a real flight sim ie aces high.

I don't play that game...please explain further.

 (ie you shouldnt get radar returns on whats going on deep bvehind enemy lines)

Good point, but people can't be everywhere.  I would like to remove the long range dar...but perhaps a "communication system" of some type...readable in map room to let a guy know what is going on at friendly fields outside of radar coverage.

[ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: skernsk ]


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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2001, 10:40:00 PM »
I fully agree AH is the only online flightsim worth the money these days, Im always here even with my dislikes of it and paying $30 a month.

To Zigrat's list I would like to add:

1) Disable bomb drops on ground.

2) Only allow straight autopilot flight in   bombers when outside views are engaged.

3) Gradually reduce bombing accuracy when over 15k or 20k feet, ie no laser guided stuff that high.

4) Give bombs some greater blast effect damage on buildings.

5) Bring back the old field AI ack model and ack hardness and increse the number of mannable field acks, especially add several mannable 20mm Flakvierling.

6) Do something about how the CV 5" flak limits defenders to 3k alt and gives the CV pilots an instant alt advantage during the attack. I think this could be done by reducing the AI acks IFF capability  so that it shoots friendlies as well if they are close to enemy fighters.

7) Try something to reduce quickly repeating kamikaze style attacks, I admit this is difficult to do, but it could help.

8) In general resist dweebiness, wierdness and sillyness in AH gameplay.

Note: I have honestly tried to make this post measured and reasonable in both tone and content, if you disagree with any of the above points please respond in kind.


Offline Toad

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« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2001, 10:44:00 PM »
Zig, I agree that icons could stand a little experimentation.

The WW2OL system isn't perfect either, though. For example, the elapsed time on the fade seems a bit long. Look away and return immediately to the first view and you have to wait for the whole fade in routine again.

Usually, it doesn't take so long and you can reacquire pretty quick. Not always, but more often than not.

That's not my only beef with that system, but I don't think an AH board is the place to thrash all that out, so I just use this as an example of room to improve there as well.

Overall, I think we could come up with a really good system here. The powers that be are accessible and this community is very sharp. Time to progressively experiment.

AH Radar? This is a case where a little less might be better. I think the intent is that no one log on and have to drill around extensively looking for a fight.

I think perhaps that goal is overachieved with the present system. We could progressively experiment with cutting out some info from version to version here as well.

I believe evolutionary change is the way to go in both areas.

<Edit> Nice post Grun.  ;)

[ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: Toad ]
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Offline Zigrat

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« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2001, 12:10:00 AM »
i agree toad!

i think you should be able to log in and see teh action.. hence full dot and bar dar from the tower, showing all cons above 500 ft noe...

the thing i dont like (and i do it too!!!!) is sometimes i will be cruising along in a a climb and ill check dar and i will see wow where the hell did that red dot y 6 come from, ill check 6 and he isnt vis, but then i will roll 180 and there he is stalking me from low 6..

i think having dot radar in flight isnt right .. having the bar should let you know if the sector is busy or whats up.

and i will agree with u on the ww2ol icon system ,its not perfect but if there were some minor adjustments made to it i like the idea alot.

Offline Fokker

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« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2001, 12:56:00 AM »
I agree in most of this.

Icon system can be improved. When many planes are engaged in a furball the icons realy clutter the view. Then I would like to switch to very simplyfied icons. Maybe only a small colour dot to identify foe from friend.

With regards to ack I like the civilized AI ack we have now. It should be possible to do jabo attacks without having a certain kamikatze ack death.

The bombing accuracy sure is unrealistic, but this is a gameplay feature I think we will have to live with. There would not be many buffers if you should spend all that time climbing just to fail hitting anything with most of your ordnance. Some accuracy penalty with alt would be acceptable, similar to what WB have. The bombsight calibration feature of WB is also something that could be copied.

Some bomb hit effects could be improved. Hitting with a 4000 bomb should make some spectacular blast with a huge crater left.


Offline Steven

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« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2001, 11:20:00 AM »
Figured I'd chime in.  I'm okay with the icons as they are now.  I understand this is one method to remedying the problems inherent with monitor resolution vs. real world resolution.  I'm not sure if it's the settings on my Geforce2 but I honestly cannot see another aircraft if I view it directly over terrain until I am very close (maybe 300 yards) and most often I'm flying based on the movement of the icon and the icon alone.  Aircraft just seem to blend into the landscape really well on my machine and I can't figure out how the rest of you are able to track your targets.  As for the BarDAR, I'm okay with that too.  I just figure that's a visual presentation of maybe having some radar stations and ground controllers.  Instead of having a voice sound enemy contact warnings, it's represented with those red and green bars and red and green dots on the map.  The object of Main-Arena is to make the action easier to participate in.  The historical arenas are the places to go if you want these things controlled more realistically...just as it is the place to go if you think F4Us and LA7s fighting each other is strange.  I understand MA is for quick action 24/7 with whatever plane of your choice.  HA is where you go for something a bit more realistic and much more time-consuming in finding action, in my opinion.


Offline Nomde

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« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2001, 01:23:00 PM »
and have no dar at all under 500 ft

We would get into a AW type of situation with bombers always flying in at low alt and devastating fields. I flew so many missions like this in AW it got boring. But then again, it covered our bottom and all we had to worry about were the topside guns on our buff.
I do agree something needs to be done. How bout we turn off all icons altogether. It'll get interesting that's for sure  :D

Nomde" TARGET=_blank>63rd FS/56th FG
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"God loves the 56th"

56th Fighter Group "Zemke's Wolfpack"

Offline AKcurly

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« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2001, 02:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by Zigrat:

1) please lets reduce icons. i think the ww2ol icon system is very neat. i would like to try something like it in a real flight sim ie aces high.

2) lets reduce in flight radar. id like to have dot radar available only from the tower, (bar still avail in flight) and have no dar at all under 500 ft. additionally, get rid of all radar in sectors not adjacent to a sector with a friendly base. (ie you shouldnt get radar returns on whats going on deep bvehind enemy lines)

well thats pretty much it. here's hoping.

Yes, Zigrat, I pretty much agree.  When you refer to ww2 icons, are you referring to icons that fade with distance?

Concerning DAR, I certainly agree there and Pryo said in the arena the other day, they were discussing radar.


Offline Tuomio

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« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2001, 03:38:00 PM »
When you die, you shouldnt be able to takeoff from the same field you just took off. That would end about 80% of the dweebiness (unlimited furballs to name one) that were seeing now. It would also promote very much the Hi alt fighting, since you would be forced sometimest to grab the fighter from far field.

With the current arena, there would be always furball in someplace, that you could go fast if youre tight scheduled.

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2001, 04:56:00 PM »
Doubt it. First problem is ack, buffs still need to climb above the ack. Do it too near the field and the 88's have a field day.

Second problem is terrain and gunning. You cannot easily "one-man-band" a buff in the current terrains flying NOE. IE, if the pilot switches to a gun position flying NOE likelihood is he will kissing a hillside shortly after.

For me, low buffs are the easiest kills.

Originally posted by Nomde:
and have no dar at all under 500 ft

We would get into a AW type of situation with bombers always flying in at low alt and devastating fields. I flew so many missions like this in AW it got boring. But then again, it covered our bottom and all we had to worry about were the topside guns on our buff.
I do agree something needs to be done. How bout we turn off all icons altogether. It'll get interesting that's for sure   :D


Offline Zigrat

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« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2001, 08:45:00 PM »

i guess my biggest problem with icons is that it makes it too hard to survive in aa 1 versus many situation IE 5on1

irl a a6m could often confuse 3 or 4 f6f that were attacking it because they had to look for the 1 bandit, the a6m knew everyone was a bandit so he didnt have to worry about friendly fire  :)

basically i think icon "fading" is really cool and would like to see "fading in" rather than "popping in" in some form

as for teh radar, liek i said yes bar ddar accounts for a farmer seeing airplanes or whatever... but shoudl you really be getting bardar info about a bomber strike grabbing altitude 100 miles behind their own lines?

im not a absolutist nut who wants no icons and no radar, i just would like to see the systems we have now "massaged"

like i said i think the biggest problem is disengagement. its IMO too easy to track a bandit,. i am pretty good with my joystick hat and with the only necessity of being able to instantly spot red and find the enemy after executing a high g manouver..... well i think re acquiring should be a bit more difficult i guess.

teh other thing i have read of modern engagements of stuff like eagles vs falcons, teh eagles talk about the distinct advantage of the falcon in that its small size makes it harder to track... no such size advantage comes into play in ah

Offline Jase

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« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2001, 03:12:00 PM »
I agree, AH is definetely the best sim out.  Expensive, but solid.  Plus, the community here is the best.