Yes, now I just need to find the ones from Oklahoma, and tell them kicking out all the illegals in Oklahoma is just going to make suck more, cuz no one will be cooking my food at those fast food resturants and the nice resturants. Then who is going to repair my states crappy bridges which need attention now when all the illegals are kicked out and all the white guys make the few legal guys work? Whos going to widing my cities roads and theres no one to mix the concret? Whos going to build new homes in my town for all the people that are comming in? Whos going to build the new buisnesses popping up everywhere in my city? I know no one out of state will come, cuz they have illegals working for them. Why does my state spend all this money trying to get B]all[/B] illegals out even those who work everyday just to have a better life. What we should be doing is kicking out the illegals who don't follow the law. Not the ones trying to make a living. What we should be doing is sending money to people who will watch our borders so they can protect us. I'm all for closing our borders from illegal immegrants, but kicking them out when they're already here in my state, I think is just wrong.
Great people of Oklahoma, and the great people of the United States, if you think this kicking illegals out of Oklahoma is wrong and bad for my states economy then mail all Oklahoma politics and tell them NO!!!!! Theres another problem. The cities make there own laws on illegals, the counties make there own laws on illegals, and the state makes its own laws on illegals, so anything you do with illegals could cause you thousands of dollars for charges, and maybe many years in jail. This is what sucks the most.