Originally posted by Hortlund
Why does a city that size (100 000) have 230+ firefighters, when my town (size 80 000) have ~50?
What is the huge difference here that I am unaware of?
A lot has to do with OSHA and NFPA standards. I am a firefighter/paramedic for a suburb of Chicago. We run three people on a fire engine and fire truck and two on an ambulance. We have 2 fire trucks 2 fire engines and 2 ambulances. We jump from vehicles. That about 6 to 9 people working on a shift depending on staffing. Now if you go to Chicago they have 4 people on an engine, 4 to 6 on a fire truck, and 6 on a squad, and 2 on an ambulance. This is all to keep up with the standards, and they would like to have one firefighter per 1,000 people.
Also there was no reason to have those guys in there. I didnt see the whole thing just bits and pieces but that building looked like that fire was going pretty good. With the fire load and roof it looked to me there should have been no one in there. Once again I wasnt there or saw all aspects of what was going on but they should have just drowned the building and kept everyone out. But I dont want to arm chair this fire. It is just a sad day when any firefighter get hurt or killed doing what they love to do.
to all firefighters