Author Topic: The new Rail Gun by the Navy (First one won't load) O_o  (Read 783 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: The new Rail Gun by the Navy (First one won't load) O_o
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2014, 04:10:19 AM »
I wonder what kind of collateral damage that round does. From the videos it seems like it's mostly just punching neat holes. It would be like ticking holes in your enemy with a sowing needle compared to a real 18" artillery roun.

Does anyone have info if people would have survived in those 3 rooms of the video for example? Is the blast effect invisible?
Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder, likened the
impact to “a freight train going through the wall at a hundred miles an hour” in a recent phone call with reporters. It doesn’t have an explosive warhead, but then it hardly needs one. According to official Pentagon modeling, the sheer impact is enough to meet “every single mission” the Navy and Marine Corps have for naval gunfire, although some really tough targets may require multiple shots. With the right targeting system, the rail gun could shoot down incoming aircraft, cruse missiles, and even ballistic missiles.

I imagine pretty effective. Also remember the RG will be just one weapon in the USNs bag of tricks. Other platforms will have missiles, 5" and even 155 cal guns. We have already solved the problem of installing advanced precision warheads in most of our offensive systems. Its no stretch of the imagination to imagine GPS and Laser targeting for rail gun projectiles too.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"