Originally posted by AirFlyer
That and/or gun load outs as well, also I woulden't mind seeing some sort of re-arm pad that could do repairs, or maybe if you drove it into the fighter/bomber hanger, you could get repairs done. Obviously the time for that would be a bit longer.
That's been asked for before
I agree that some should be able to be done i.e. flaps, ailron, and rudder because how they break off in the game, in RL they'd just need to be bolted back down.
Pilot wounds; sure why not throw in a different pilot d:
Oil/fuel leaks no because that could be a problem with the lines which could take god-knows how long to repair
I think there should be like a more advanced damage system so if you open up your damage list if it's green, it's fine, yellow, repairable and red, your stuck with it till you get a fresh plane
that's my perspective on it.