Originally posted by dedalos
I am confused. how is that a great fight? How is it different than the MA?
No question that the AvA isnt what the old "CT" was at its best. However its head and shoulders above the MA for ACM/SA fights vs what I consider the SA/numbers/ACM equation of the MA. It also doesnt offer the true 1 on 1's of the DA....
In alot of ways it does resemble the old days of the AH beta or the AW FR arena of the mid 90's. Alot I think comes down to a choice on flying style and plane type. Your not going to get alot of fight to the finish 1 on 1's {although i've had more then a few}. If your in a "2nd tier" ride flying against the numbers its bound to get frustrating at times.
Since the avengers have been up front with regard to flying style/agenda I flew last nights hops from a SA/group enviornment vs my norm. Had fun and landed some pelts...wasnt as much fun as a real good 1 on 1 but much better then the MA normally is. Over time I'm sure the avengers will catch up and be a formidable group...I think that the limited numbers in WB have created a lower bar overall skill wise (just my initial observation) that will take a bit to overcome.
I've approached this tour with the thought that I'm gonna adjust to the AvA vs trying to make the AvA adjust to me and see what happens. All in all was alot of fun. The flip side is that the best fight I had was vs Dace in a 205 vs my A-20. I dont think i'd have beat him but a 110 kept "buzzing" the fight and forced me off my plan a few times {110 is one of the few birds an A-20 cant ignore for a pass or two}....was a good fight and nice kill but thats where it gets frustrating at times.
The "re-flip" is I had an encounter with one of the avengers (olbull I think) who semi bounced my 205. We went thru a bunch of E fighting contortions and I put a few rounds in him while watching what looked like ALL the avengers inbound....I simply disengaged and scooted. I teased him a bit on egress but if it was the 71st and one of "ours"...we'd have stomped on anyone foolish enough to stay as well. One good by product of the AvA is that a guy like olbull (any of us) has a better chance to learn/absorb various ACM/fighting styles/plane match ups alot better then he could in the MA. I think over time the improvement in the AvA guys will outpace a similiar stick on the MA.
I dont think overall pilot quality in the AvA is any better....but I think you have a much better ACM/SA/numbers equation overall.