Originally posted by AKDogg
Since we went to the large circle, the Ho's have come to a minimum along with the ganging. We will never be able to eliminate any of them.
If it is a group of hot women ganging me I am fine by that.... but some of these guys are ugly!
I know it won't ever be out all the way, the HO that is, but it is tough to enjoy it at times. I know the CM's can't be everywhere at once and that you all do your best.
I guess my view of it is that the icons should show the plane, not the pilots handle. Then they re not singled out, which happens a lot. I mean, if I can see AKDogg in a nice fight 1v1, I will dive down and poof! No more four legged critter running wild!
Everyone fly out from the base, spread out and get into a fight 1v1. If you win, fly to the next fight for a 1v1. If there is already a fight going on, wait... Get to equal odds so there is 'no joy' and then repeat. You will still have to manage each fight as far as fuel, ammo and damage, but if you take damage from a HO shot or such, you just screwed the pouch (no pun intended) as you won't last long til the next fight. Yes it is that way right now to a certain extent, but it just becomes too easy for the picks. I have had some good fights before a few have been with Wooley in a Yak-9U and Valkyrie while in an IL2. These were both a while ago, maybe almost a year ago... but I had a blast. I might come back in as they are fun, and like I said Dogg, as well the rest of the KOTH staff, I mean no disrespect on this... just my opinion.