Author Topic: Avengers Squad Night 02-14-08  (Read 187 times)

Offline lutrel

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Avengers Squad Night 02-14-08
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:50:27 AM »
Lut enters Truekills office and presents a crisp salute, despite the smell of booze on his breath . "Sir, the Avengers Squad night is tonight at 7 PM Central time. We have recieved our orders and have the ground crews preparing 13 AR-234's for tonights mission."

"We hope to see you there sir and we hope to be able to recruit some decent escort to free up most of my men to haul iron." Lut presents another crisp salute and about face, then exits the office and staggers back towards the Avengers tent..
Lutrel AkA "Lut"
CO ~Avengers~