Great to see that so many of us wish for upgraded drones as well.
Coming back from a long break I felt the need to calibrate my targeting eye with the offline lead computing sight, which is absolutely great (to enable it modify FlightModeFlags in the Arena Settings).
I started thinking somewhat similar but more simplified
options for drone behaviour:1)
checkboxes for preprogrammed basic looping maneuvers such as
barrel roll and flat scissors or sequece, if given option to choose many.
Options would affect single or all drones and the base flight path would still go around the airfield.
--P51 barrel roll [X] flat scissors [ ]-- Drones: barrel roll [X] (excluding bombers)
(I think this would be more convenient to implement and debug than flight path plotting feature by
user which would probably require new and perhaps complicated tool additions)
speed selection - predetermined [slow with flaps or clean and fast] or free range X...Y
altitude selection - checkboxes or free range K..I
I would be extremely happy to see any options _however simple_ at first, added to drone behaviour.
I like to go in and out fast as E fighter, so it takes some time to position for a shot after passing group of targets in the online arenas.
To be able to make most of those situations, with the help of offline practice, would make the playing experience just that much more rewarding.
We have a dream..