Author Topic: SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !  (Read 1246 times)

Offline Ozark

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2001, 05:15:00 PM »

Offline Duckwing6

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2001, 10:52:00 AM »
<PUNT>  1 e-mail so far ... C'mmon Folks ! The Scenario's are waiting for ya

Offline Duckwing6

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2001, 02:10:00 AM »
<PUNT> .. still no more than 1

Offline Ozark

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2001, 02:04:00 AM »

The only thing this is to give the C.O.'s more than 10 minutes to plan a mission....that's all.

The first time I was a CO in a Snap Shot, I kept thinking....If only I had a day or two to really plan this out.

<edit> I'm from Missouri..."SHOW ME"...that leaders can take the bull by the horns. </edit>

[This message has been edited by Ozark (edited 03-03-2001).]

Offline Westy

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
  I'll be honest and say I'm a tad shy about CO'ing because of the probability of botching it bad. I'd only done the flight/group leader thing in the past. I executed plans, not made them up. But, the main reason I cannot is it's in the weekends. I'm on the boards now while everyone else here is getting dressed, showered etc and I drink my coffee. If these hit the weeknights (east coast US resident) I'll CO a side.

OK.  Rantish lament via a soap box spiel:

 A problem I see is alot of the indians moved fromother sism to Aces High and not alot of the chiefs. The folks who are the scenario builders took alot of time to get where they are in the respective sims/games and I'd be willing to bet they are too comfortable to start over elsewhere. And they just may liek where they are at more. Familiarity also breeds contentedness.

 But years ago WB's drew over Dok Gonzo *The Scenario Master* come from AW and also Fletchman. Two of the best ever, imo. Two immensely experienced folks who not so much laid a new foundation in a new sim but brought the old one with it. 1996 and 1997 had *one* AW scenario not counting AOL.

 The problem I see in AH is there is was a small core group of players, Verm and the CM team, that became the scenario makers which did not leave many left in the general populationto be the scenario "players". Players being the Co/Xo and flight/wing/group leaders. The rest who join into scenarios are  what I call the "participants". They go where the staff made plan tells them to go for the most part. The problem, imo, is that apparantly is no one wants to do the staff work.  

 This AH community is full of people (actually, whiners) that try to talk a good game but are better at squeeking for the grease. Then when the grease is tossed to them they watch it land at their feet and then  they get indignant noone will put it on for them. Hence later on some make lame bellybutton accusations of AH scenarios and historical being poorly run or not fun. But where the hell were they to contibute?

 WE (all of us, all of you reading this) have to build this community from scratch. Take what you learnend elsewhere and use it. Better yet build upoon it and advance yourself to boot. Without events Aces High will always be a MA sim/game and in the long run the character of AH will wither.

 To SaintAw, Camo, Vadr, Verm, banana, Daddog and all the rest of the past and present CM/events folks I say *thank you*. And to the new CM team please be patient till I (and others in my predicament) are able to contribute to events due to RL. Weekends just aren't going to be a good time for me and a severalfew others who have shown an interest in the past.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-03-2001).]

Offline Sunchaser

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2001, 10:07:00 AM »
Well, I have something in common with Westy on this one, I would be reluctant to plan a country's offensive due to lack of experience and an aversion to failure and ridicule plus no real desire to do so..

Where are the guys who planned the Med and the Afrika Korps events and what happened in those to make them unwilling to take command again?

As a charter member of the AH Community of Whiners let me say this Westy.

We do not want the grease tossed to us, we want it applied by those who actually enjoy doing so, ie: the guys who are into planning and running events.

We want to drive or ride the wagon, not build and maintain it.

Just as there are people who drive fighters or bombers but not both, there are people who want to participate in events but not create or run them.

I look at it like this, the guys who become CMs do so because they enjoy the creative possibilities and guys who become country COs do so because they enjoy the command aspect of the game.

The rest of us, the "Whining Indians", while an irritation to some, are a necessary evil the Chiefs must endure to implement their plans.

I applaud those CM and Country CO types and would like to believe they hold those positions because they enjoy those aspects of gaming.

I do not relegate everyone else who calls for Historical events but is not willing or able to create and run same to the "whiners" bin.


When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?

Offline Westy

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2001, 10:36:00 AM »
"The rest of us, the "Whining Indians", while an irritation to some, are a necessary evil the Chiefs must endure to implement their plans."

 Till these Chiefs say "fediddle this bullsh&t I put too much time into these thigs to take this crap." and they up and quit. Or they just plain quit woking with scenarios. I've seen about a half dozen really damn good ones do just that in three years, here or in another game/sim. Here's the ghost of one of the best scenarios groups ever in later day WWII flightsim history (from AW):    

 They were awesome. A great think tank. Worthy of far more than they got from alot of the players in AW that's for sure.

 One by one they got tired of the "necesary evile" indians who complained and second guessed every word in a write-up just too much.  Too fediddleing much to listen to alot of folks who for the most part only rode along for the ride and did none of the driving themselves. there's a right way to communicate conerns and the wrong way. And this being the internet most a-holes pick the most acidic and jeuvinle way to state thier displeasure or mis-conception about something.
"I do not relegate everyone else who calls for Historical events but is not willing or able to create and run same to the "whiners" bin."

 Same here. Not "everyone" of them. Just a fediddleing lot of them.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-03-2001).]

Offline Duckwing6

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2001, 11:20:00 AM »
Jeezzz guys we're not talking about planning for a war here...

It's about scenarios .. we've had some with about 50-60 folks up and usually yeild some 40 so you'll have to deal with more or less half of these numbers .. it ain't that hard !

Snapshotsa usually have 1 mission overall e.g. 1 Sortie, the Check 6s are longer and might include 2 or 3 Sorties per player (so these should be a bit more work...)

Nobody up for a challenge ?


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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
I'd love to do it, but can't be there today.  I'll be travelling the next two weekends after this, so maybe in a month!

Offline Rocket

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2001, 01:00:00 PM »
Think of being CO for a snapshot or check6 as a building block.

 Have you wanted to CO for a multi frame or would think that would be fun?  Do you not have very much CO experience?

Step up and CO a weekend event and use it as a learning tool for bigger events.  These can provide valuable tools to hone up tactic and strategy for the large scale stuff.

Jump in and have fun is the bottom line.  


Offline gospel

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2001, 10:31:00 PM »
The 332nd flying mongrels, moved from the historical arena of warbirds to aces high a little over a year ago.

Our squad time coincides with the Saturday Snapshot events, but we are comtemplating moving to the Sunday check six events.

Next weekend (10th- 11th)will be our first "trial run".  If it works out, count on the mongrels running some missions during the check 6 events    

We prefer to plan our own missions ahead of time, but welcome any that would like to join us!

CO 332nd flying mongrels

Offline Ozark

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2001, 10:55:00 PM »
The key to being a good C.O. is to find a good O.X. and make him do all the work.  

...but really...sometimes it's nothing more than having the scenario printed up ahead of time and pointing the folks in the general direction of the bad guys.

XO 332nd Flying Mongrels
"I'm getting better!!! No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment"

Offline gospel

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SCENARIO COs SETUP UP !! -> Your country needs you !
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2001, 01:34:00 AM »
LOL Oz  

It's XO not "OX"  

You are my XO- not my Ox.  Or do you consider yourself a beast of burden?

You think they could find me an exec that knows how to spell?  

CO, 332nd flying mongrels

"The more I get to know humans, the more I love my dog".