Author Topic: Some Observations  (Read 901 times)

Offline Stixx

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Some Observations
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:47:16 PM »
Having worked with the Mission Editor for a couple of days now there are a few things that stand out
in my mind that could be improved.

1.) Zoom and map movement controls.
Is there any way to tie zoom to the scroll wheel of your mouse?
Can map movement be tied to the move buttons on the keyboard? (say the initial press of the button moves the map
in that direction, the longer you hold the button down the faster it moves.)
Better yet give us the ability to zoom in/out and move about using our joystick.

2.) Flight goals.  I built a mission with JU88's attacking a city, with 109's as escort.  Near the target a flight of spits arrived (as planned)
The 109's attacked the spits who attacked them in turn basically ignoring the 88's as they plummeted to the deck in a furball.
Shouldn't there be an option for escort duty whereas the escorting fighters will not stray say more than icon range from their charges?

3.) Recalculating.  Would it be possible to recalculate a route after any change by pressing one button? Say a button at the bottom of the
text box like the ones we have now for undoing changes. I know I'm asking for alot here but I can see the potential with this mission editor especially when CT comes out. I imagine we'll see player submitted missions being used in CT.

The HTC staff has done an outstanding job with this latest addition.

Thank you  :salute

The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in military aviation are:'Did you feel that?' 'What's that noise?' and'Oh S...!'
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