Author Topic: Normandie Feedback  (Read 437 times)


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Normandie Feedback
« on: August 20, 2000, 10:41:00 AM »
I think we need some bombers, tanks, and strat for these Check Six events.
Without some offensive operations going on, the location and altitude of fighters is determined arbitarily.

What this means is that one side can prevail (as far as K/D) by climbing to high altitude and remaining near their base. Eventually the other side will get bored and try to come get them. If the altitude advantage doesn't kill them off, then the rapidly respawning defenders will finish the job.

The closer you are to the base, the stronger the force multiplier caused by the respawn syndrome. The respawn syndrome: If losses can be instantly replaced, they aren't really losses. If you are in a 4 on 4 fight 25 miles from a base, and you lose two planes, they are gone for a long time, and you are in deep kimchee. But if you are right over your base, the two planes you lose are replaced instantly. So fighting an enemy over his base is like a bad horror movie where the monster regrows his head everytime the hero chops it off.

The only way I can see to combat this is to allow fields to be taken, which will make fighters do realistic wartime jobs like escort and interception, instead of camping at 20k over the friendly field nearest the enemy.

I realize that the lack of variety in bombers and tanks in the planeset limits what can be done in this regard. For instance tonight's events (Normandie) would have been far better if we had Il-2, Pe-2, T-34, Ju 87, Ju 88, etc.

In the real battles on the Eastern front, 109s and 190s camping at 25k over their own airfield would have little effect on the battle. But in tonight's event, they were quite effective because the VVS planes had nothing else to do but come after them. (The same goes for Yakovlevs and Lavochkins camping at 25k over their own fields of course)

Personally I don't have any interest in flying another event of this type. This is not an ultimatum - I'm just stating a fact. I hope that we can get a better plane/vehicle set in the future, or that future Check Six events fully utilize the existing plane/vehicle set.

Ya gotta start somewhere though.
My hat is off to the CMs and everybody who makes these things happen.