Author Topic: AAR--Operation Lamplight--Mar. 31st  (Read 448 times)

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AAR--Operation Lamplight--Mar. 31st
« on: April 01, 2001, 07:45:00 PM »
First <S> to all who participated.  We had some rough spots during the scenario and I will get better with time (it was my first time hosting).

<S> to Koba (RAF Bomber Command) and to Wilbuz (Luftwaffe CO) and to Daniko (GCI Officer, who did an outstanding job)

First the cold hard facts, then the flowery description of the event.

Score was very, very close.
Axis=21 points
Allies=20 points

Luftwaffe Victories:

Lancaster Victories
And Ghosth got a Lanc while flying a Lanc...(I won't even ask..hehe)

Osage, NHTaz, Rudedawg, Dinger, SnoGoose, Broes, CloudCar, Gsling, banana, Ghosth, and Khaalid all reached their targets and dropped their bombs.

After Action Reports  ***RAF Bomber Command***

A bigger push than usual was on for tonight's mission.   Lancaster's from 3 surrounding RAF Bomber Command Bases would participate in the raid.

Radar Factory
Luftwaffe HQ
Factories within the City itself!

The Lancs had a "Bomber's Moon" as they lumbered down the runways trying to haul their massive "TNT" cargo into the night air.  

Koba (RAF Bomber Commander) had briefed and assigned targets to each of his Flight Leaders.

Each Lancaster got wheels up and then it was the long slow steady climb to 18k Feet and then the drone of the engines onto the targets.

Although the Lancaster has some defensive armament, its only real defensive ally is the darkness of night.

***Luftwaffe After Action Report***

For the too many nights in a row, the 109G6's and 190A5's of the Luftwaffe Fighter Wings have been on the runway at Cockpit Readiness, in anticipation of intercepting the British Night Bombers.  Tonight was no different.

The Brits had been trying to hit several key targets in the area, so the men based at A32, A27, A28, and A34 expected to see action tonight.   (They would not be disappointed).

Daniko, one of the best GCI Officers in the Luftwaffe was on duty and had the groups alerted and on standby.  Wilbuz (Luftwaffe Area Commander) had already briefed his Flight Leaders at each base.

As the Lancasters reached altitude, they saw the shores of England slip past them.  They droned over the rich farmlands of the Continent on their way to Germany.  Hoping to slip past unnoticed.

**Luftwaffe GCI Control**
At first Daniko thought they were ghost blips, but then the radar showed the blips clearer and MOVING!  This was it!  He had the Lancaster raid on his Radar!   Achtung, Achtung, he called over his headset.  With those words, Luftwaffe Fighters across the region fired up their engines and prepared to scramble!  In a very short time, he had a clear fix on the raid....wait, multiple raids coming into his area.  The fighters scrambled and raced skyward to meet the intruders!

As they thundered towards the enemy, a steely resolved mixed with the realization that, while they will surely intercpet the bombers, they may not get there in time before the bombers drop their payloads!

Then, silhoutted against the bright moon, the individual Lancasters started to appear.

The Luftwaffe pressed the attacks.

Well, thought the Lancs, we just might make it unseen.   That dream was shattered by the crackle of the headset, calling out possible contacts in the night sky.   As if to confirm this, suddenly tracers, glowing hot and angry, ripped through and passed a couple of the Bombers.

The action among the groups that were spotted was furious on both sides.  Fighters, slicing and slashing their way around the Lancasters.   The Bombers lumbering through onto their target and bomb release!
