Author Topic: Re: LOOK AT MY POEM PEOPLES!!  (Read 111 times)

Offline Airscrew

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« on: May 11, 2008, 11:42:21 PM »
My one and only attempt at any kind of poetry since 1974... I tried more or less to follow the "twas the night before christmas" kind of style...

I think I first wrote and posted this late 2001 or early 2002

This is a tale of woe, its sad indeed
the story of how AirScrew lost his Luftwaffe steed.
He stayed up late after his squadmates had logged out
and decided to fly a lone Lancaster and help with the route.

He selected his munitions and launched with great care
with one notch of flaps the Lancaster was soon sailing on air.
He took his bearings and set his heading,
and decided the Knight Headquarters needed a banging.

Most of us know the Lancaster is slow,
and not very thrilling to fly
so he went AFK to have a quick smoke
and count the stars in the sky.

He wasn't gone long, ten minutes or less,
and told everyone he was back.
But when he sat down he started to frown,
"Oh My Gawd I'm under attack!"

A TA-152 was circling with glee,
Firing 20mm's at him like they were free.
(He cried, ”oh woe is me”.)

He jumped to his guns and fired clatter, clatter
but he failed to make the 152 splatter,
and in no time at all
his plane was in tatters.

His situation was grim as he rode his beast down
and thought it was best to just bail.
But his fingers were slow and he couldn't hit O
and he smacked right into the ground.

As he sat in a daze while visions of glory faded off in the haze,
He wondered, “just who was my killer?”
He wanted revenge no matter the cost,
just like a cheap B movie thiller.

The System said Urchin
is for whom he should be searchin
and he began to plan his demise.
He knew the 152 was deadly and quick
so he selected a 262

He scrambled his jet with nary a fret,
cause he practiced alot offline.
He knew without a doubt
this plane had clout
and said “Soon Urchin will be mine.”
wasn’t he wise?

When suddenly around his plane puffs of black smoke did appear
“Oh no!" AirScrew cried, "the Flak factory is near.”
But panic? Not he, for the 262 is small and oh so fast,
he knew he had nothing to fear.

But wait, whats that he hears,
a bang and a snap and now smoke he does smell,
He looks at his right wing, and it really looks like hell.
All that fire and smoke he knows this can’t be good,
“perhaps I can turn back…,”