I read an article in the AF times that they are considering giving purple hearts to those who suffer from Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. I have to say I'm torn on this issue as PTSD is one of the major wounds of this war. These people really do suffer. However, the Purple Heart has allways been for physical wounds. Be it minor scratches or major injuries those suffered in combat are awarded it. I'm torn because somone who recieves a minor scratch is eligible under current rules. However somone who recieves deep rooted phsycological trama isn't. For me it would seem to open the flood gates to anyone with any kind of stress that you would naturally recieve from any deployment and up.
Will it cheapen the award? I don't know...that's the question I pose to you. Keep in mind that some services use these awards as points toward promotion. In addition a purple heart usually garuntees you mad VA benifits as well. BUT, I don't want to ignore the pain a suffering somone with PTSD gets. Like I said I'm torn what do you think?