Dentin, are you familiar with the concept or bantering?
Absolutely...are you?
To wit:
ban·ter (bntr)
Good-humored, playful conversation.
v. ban·tered, ban·ter·ing, ban·ters
To speak to in a playful or teasing way.
To exchange mildly teasing remarks.
[Origin unknown.]
banter·er n.
banter·ing·ly adv.
Synonyms: banter, chaff2, josh, kid, rag2, razz, rib
These verbs mean to poke fun good-humoredly: bantered with her colleagues during a coffee break; chaffed him for forgetting the appointment; joshed her brother about his strange new haircut; kidded me about my outfit; ragged her for being so stubborn; razzed the teammate who missed the shot; ribbing a friend for being in love.