Ummm.... what's a load of crap? The satire? Or the situation?
Satire is for people with gaseous indigestion and no want of reality. The point being made is a load of crap. Everyone blames perceived problems (right or wrong) on certain individuals, and although I do not disagree, nor agree, the problem I have is with the inclination that a man is to blame when he was in fact elected by people. It is the people who did the electing who hold ultimate responsibility.
Its not bush or cheney who is to blame, for whatever problem you want to ascribe to them, but it is the people who elected them who are to blame. And to those who claim no culpability because they DID NOT vote for them I have no sympathy. We are in this system of government and the losers must accept the same fate as the winners....for on any given election cycle we are all able to vote morons into office and we must take the good with the bad....or the bad with the bad as so unfortunately seems to be the case repeating itself over and over again.